Pilgrim by Sara Douglas

turned slightly to Faraday who was now at Drago‘s side also.

― What were you thinking of to enter this glade with Drago at your side? ‖ StarDrifter

hissed. ―Didn‘t you even think that Axis might not welcome his son home with open arms?‖

Faraday shook her head helplessly, and StarDrifter made a small sound of disgust. She

should have known better.

Zenith, absolutely shaken at the violence, drew comfort from the weight of StarDrifter‘s

hands over hers, and hoped they would staunch the bleeding enough to give Drago a chance of


StarDrifter lifted his eyes to hers and, although he did not smile, the lines about his eyes

crinkled slightly in warmth.

―I am more than pleased to see you again, beloved Zenith,‖ StarDrifter murmured. ―You

are well?‖

She nodded, and StarDrifter looked back to Drago. The bleeding was slowing—Axis‘

knife must have struck his son‘s clavicle rather than one of the neck veins. If he‘d managed that, Drago would be dead already, for even the pressure of a thousand hands at his throat could not

have stemmed the damage.

He gestured to Faraday to help Zenith apply pressure to the wound, touched Zenith‘s

cheek briefly in reassurance, then slowly stood and walked over to Axis.

His son had dropped the knife, and Sicarius had retreated to sit tense and watchful several

paces away. His golden eyes flickered between Axis and Drago.

Everyone else was absolutely still, as watchful as the hound.

Azhure was down by her husband, her arms about him, supporting him into a sitting

position. ―StarDrifter,‖ she began, ―what—‖

StarDrifter ignored her. He thrust his right hand forward into Axis‘ face. It was smeared

with Drago‘s blood. ―Look at this!‖ he said. ―Your son‘s blood, Axis, by your hand!‖

―Did you never see the wounds on Caelum‘s body once Azhure rescued him from

Gorgrael?‖ Axis said quietly. ―Did you never see his blood? And now, look upon the blood

smeared across this land, StarDrifter, and tell me that my ‗son‘,‖ he spat the word, ―does not

deserve to die for it.‖

Drago cleared his throat. ―I have come back to help,‖ he said in a hoarse whisper.

―Then die!‖ Axis threw back at him, pushing Azhure‘s arms aside and rising to his feet.

― That would help considerably.‖

The wound in Drago‘s neck had now almost stopped bleeding, and Faraday left Drago‘s

care to Zenith. She rose and walked slowly forward. ―There has been too much death in this

world, Axis, for you to want to add to it.‖

―Have you ever thought that by killing Drago now we might stop further death?‖ he

snarled back.

In response, Faraday lifted her head and stared about at each and every person present. ―I

want you all to know, and this I pledge on the blood that I shed for Tencendor, and for you, Axis and Azhure, that I will stand responsible for Drago‘s actions. I trust him, and I ask that you give

him the benefit of the doubt. Drago wants to help, he can help. Let him.‖

―He murdered RiverStar!‖ Caelum said, stabbing a finger at Drago. ―And stole the

Sceptre and provided the means whereby this land now stands decimated. Trust him? ‖

Faraday looked at him, then turned to StarDrifter standing beside her. ―StarDrifter? I—‖

―And I,‖ Zenith put in fiercely from where she knelt by Drago‘s side.

―We both,‖ Faraday corrected herself, ―believe Drago deserves a chance to prove his

worth, and his loyalty. He did not murder RiverStar, and if he fled with the Sceptre, then that was

at the Sceptre‘s doing, not his. It needed to go to the Demons and so it manipulated Drago‘s

mind to get there. Drago has done regrettable things in the past, but he deserves a chance to

redeem himself.‖

―Redeem himself?‖ Axis said. ―Stars, Faraday! How can you stand there, protecting this

misbegotten evil? No doubt he has regained his Icarii powers in return for aiding the

Demons—how else could he have manipulated Sicarius into defending him? Does he now covet

the Throne of the Stars itself? Has he promised you a place beside him? Is that why you aid


―Believe me, father,‖ Drago said, his voice a little stronger now, ―all my Icarii power has

been burned completely away. I have nothing left save my need to help right the wrongs I have


Axis ignored him. He stepped forward to stand belligerently in front of Faraday. ―How

can you aid him?‖ he repeated.

Sicarius shifted forward slightly, and noticeably tensed.

―You go too far, Axis!‖ StarDrifter put his hand on his son‘s shoulder, and wrenched him

back a pace. Faraday had suffered too much violence in her life to have more visited upon her


―How can you accuse this woman, of all people, of aligning herself with the Demons?‖

StarDrifter continued. ―Must I remind you that she died for you?‖

He whipped about and stared now at Azhure, her face as cold as Axis‘. ―And you,

Azhure. Have you forgotten?‖

StarDrifter turned back and looked at Drago. ―If Faraday walked in here with Qeteb

himself and said that a spark of goodness rested in his breast, and that she would support him,

then that would be enough for me. Drago, do you truly repent for what you did to Caelum?‖

―Yes.‖ Drago‘s eyes were on Caelum standing rigid eight or nine paces away, not

StarDrifter. ―I am not the hunter you fear, Caelum,‖ he said. ―I come here to offer you my aid in

whatever you have to do to defeat the Demons as some recompense for my actions against you

so many years ago.‖

―And why should I believe that?‖ asked Caelum.

― None of us believe that,‖ Axis said.

Azhure opened her mouth to speak, but was forestalled by Zared.

―I believe Drago deserves the chance,‖ he said. ―Axis, have you or Caelum even thought

of the fact that Drago is the only one among us who has had any firsthand experience of these

Demons? Dammit, why kill that knowledge and potential help?‖

―I think Zared speaks some sense,‖ DareWing FullHeart said, finally braving his say.

―Faraday, you ask a great deal of everyone here. I do not think,‖ his mouth quirked and he

gestured about the gathering, ―that many here are ready to place their trust in Drago. Most of us

have troublesome doubts. But most of us are prepared to trust you. Of everyone within this

clearing, you are the one who deserves our full trust.‖

Axis‘ mouth hardened, and he turned his face away.

―If you say you will stand responsible for Drago‘s actions,‖ DareWing finished, ―and that

he deserves the chance to finally help instead of hinder, then I will trust you and I will give

Drago that chance.‖

―And I,‖ StarDrifter said quietly, looking Faraday directly in the eye. Then he dropped

his gaze to Drago. ―Don‘t fail her.‖

Be his trust, the Survivor had said, be his trust. Suddenly Faraday knew what he had


Axis started to say something, stopped himself, then stared at the ground for several

moments, battling his fury.

Finally he raised his eyes. ―Where is the Sceptre?‖ he said flatly. ―If Drago hands the

Sceptre to Caelum, then I will give him his chance.‖

―I do not know the Sceptre‘s will, nor do I know its location,‖ Faraday said. ―I‘m sorry.‖

―Sorry?‖ Axis stared at her. ―Sorry! A trifling word to use as excuse for defending a

traitor and a murderer!‖

―No! Wait!‖ Drago struggled to his feet, the front of his tunic horribly bloodstained, his

face white. He leaned heavily on Zenith, and looked about.

Where was the staff? Surely that was the Sceptre, transformed?

―Well?‖ said Axis.

―Wait…‖ Drago cast his eyes frantically about. He had it when he stepped into the

clearing, he was sure…had it fallen from his hand when Axis attacked him? Where…

―You were ever the consummate play-actor,‖ Axis said, hate and sarcasm infusing his

voice and face.

Drago stopped his search to stare at his father. ―I—‖

― I have had enough of you and your lies!‖ Axis said, and turned back to Caelum.

He took a deep breath, and calmed himself. ―We still have hope, Caelum. Adamon and

the other gods have gone to Star Finger and await us there. If we go to the mountain we will have

the advice and knowledge of the past six or seven thousand years that is stored there. There must

be something secreted in the damned mountain that can help us! Besides, I cannot help but

believe the Sceptre will find its way to the StarSon in time. It is fated thus, and thus it must be.‖

Unnoticed, the donkeys twitched their ears slightly, and one of them dipped her head to

the ground, as if trying to hide unwanted mirth.

Caelum nodded, comforted by the surety in his father‘s voice. ―And now that the Demons

are through and no longer blocking the Star Gate, there‘s every chance that we might be able to

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