Pohl, Frederik – Eschaton 2 – The Siege Of Eternity

The UN’s decision had been to divide the objects from Starlab into four packets. One would go to the United States, on behalf of the whole Western Hemisphere, one to China for the mainland Asian powers, one to the Europeans, one to Australia to be shared with Japan, New Zealand, the island nations of the South Pacific and the countries of Indochina. Possession did not, however, confer ownership. So the UN’s edict said firmly; research would be done under multinational supervision, with the resulting data to be made public as soon as obtained.

It was a tribute to die histrionic abilities of the experts and diplomats on the scene that not one of them was laughing out loud. Data to be made public! Hilda had no doubt that when the Bureau’s technicians produced data the part that would be made public would be strictly limited, and the most valuable data would stay within the Bureau forever.

The best part was that the UN resolution clearly said the Doc was to be in charge of any real investigation … and, Hilda thought comfortably, she knew who was in charge of the Doc. She made her way to where he was being peacefully led out from the shelter in which he had spent the night by his armed guards. Had anyone bothered to tell him what he was supposed to be doing? That did not seem likely. The creature did not even seem curious as, under everyone’s watchful eyes, the lucky nationals began removing the bits they had been awarded. He simply stood immobile in rest mode, still wearing the one coppery babushka with the other still held firmly in his lowest-left hand.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 4408

Under the powers vested in the Security Council by the Charter of the United Nations, as amended, the Secretary General is ordered to execute the following instructions:

1. The artifacts of alien origin are to be divided into four parts, in a manner to be chosen by the Secretary General, each part to be deposited in an appropriate research facility in one of the four specified regions of the world.

2. All investigations into the nature and functions of these artifacts are to be conducted in the presence of a representative of the United Nations and of each of the nations party to said region.

3. Investigations are to be limited to noninvasive procedures until further notice. It is contemplated that the individual identified as “Doc” is to be present when any dismantling is undertaken, provided the individual is physically able to undertake supervision of said artifacts.

By Order of the Security Council

But that caused a minor fracas, as one of the Indians announced that the extra babushka was definite Scarecrow technology and, as no one else had claimed it, it should be awarded to China for India to share.

Colonel duValier laughed at that. “You want to try to take it away from him?” he sneered.

“Of course it must be taken from him,” the Indian replied indignantly. And, when no one volunteered for the job, she reached for it herself.

Well, Hilda could have told the woman that that was a mistake, but by the time Hilda opened her mouth to warn her it was too late. The Doc’s eyes sprang open; one of his great upper limbs pushed the Indian delegate out of the way- not violently, but not gently, either. The woman went flying. The Doc didn’t look after her. He turned and plodded away in the direction of the parked American aircraft. His armed guards raised their weapons in bafflement, but someone shouted, “For Christ’s sake, don’t shoot the thing!” The Doc paid no attention to that threat, either, simply strode along with the one metal scarf on his head and the other still clutched in one arm.

“So,” the deputy director said pleasantly, to no one in particular, “I guess that settles that.”

It did, of course-though, of course, everyone around began arguing vociferously. Hilda didn’t wait to take part in the renewed bickering. She hurried after the Doc, now stolidly climbing the steps into the deputy director’s jet.

By the time she got inside the Doc was in the lounge, and he was no longer in standby mode. He had commandeered some of the aircraft’s monogrammed notepaper and was busily filling pages of it with his meticulous drawings. The crew was passing them around interestedly until one of them caught sight of Hilda, with the deputy director behind her. Then they passed them over to higher authority.

Hilda puzzled over them. The first sketch showed the two Docs together, both wearing shawls over their heads. The second one showed both Docs in what was recognizably a hospital room, one of them doing something surgical to the head of the other. A human woman, actually a quite good likeness of Dr. Marsha Evergood, was standing by. And in the last drawing the former surgeon Doc was himself being operated on, and Dr. Evergood was doing the surgery.

The deputy director looked up at Hilda. “I think,” he said judiciously, “that he’s trying to tell us he wants to go back to Walter Reed Hospital.”

“Well, yes,” she said, suddenly thoughtful. “But what’s this one here?”

She was pointing to a drawing that showed a human being next to a very peculiar creature. It wasn’t a Scarecrow, nor was it any of the Seven Ugly Space Dwarfs. It looked a little bit like some ancient dinosaur, one of the long-necked, long-tailed ones that they called apatosaurus, but it was standing on two legs, and its rubbery neck was hovering menacingly over the human.

“Yes, well,” Marcus Pell said, sounding unhappy, “I was wondering about that myself. The man looks kind of like Dan Dannerman, doesn’t he?”

“He does. And that other thing-could it one of those things Dopey calls a Horch?”


All the way down on the early flight to Arlington Dannerman was pondering the question: Should he tell Hilda Morrisey that he and Anita Berman were getting married? Or maybe he should just lay the ultimatum on her: either she got his back pay for him, so he could have some kind of decent life, or he quit the Bureau.

Well, she wasn’t at the headquarters. She was off at Walter Reed Hospital, and when he tracked her down there she was standing on the loading dock, giving urgent orders to a flock of serious-looking junior agents, and she wasn’t interested in his problems. “Resign? Bullshit, Danno. State of emergency; nobody’s quitting; I tried the same thing myself. But as long as you’re here you might as well be useful.”

So five minutes later Dannerman, borrowed stunstick in hand, was marching with five others down a hospital corridor toward the Doc whom, according to Hilda’s orders, he was supposed to “restrain.” Although the creature was facing them, he didn’t seem aware of their presence. He was simply standing there, pale, ugly and immense, in that next-to-dead trance state the things assumed when they had no orders.

But, damn it, the creature was big. The stunstick wasn’t much comfort to Dannerman. He would have preferred a riot gun, but they weren’t supposed to hurt the Doc, only tackle him if he gave any resistance. Even the stunsticks were to be used only as a last resort, because Hilda had warned them that they didn’t know enough about a Doc’s metabolism to know if the damn thing might kill him.

Dannerman hadn’t been that close to a Doc since the flight home from Calgary. He had almost forgotten the spicy-sour stink of the thing, or how preposterous he looked with his foamy “beard” and six ill-assorted arms. The topmost right arm was the one Hilda had assigned for Dannerman to deal with, and naturally it was one of the big, muscular ones. He was just trying to figure out where to grab it when the other Doc appeared, moving quickly and silently toward his twin from behind. He wore that dumb-looking metal-mesh babushka Dannerman had seen on TV and he wasn’t alone; just behind him were Hilda and half a dozen more of the Bureau guards, all trying to be as quiet as they could-

Not quiet enough. Or maybe it was that the immobile Doc had caught the scent of his fellow at the last moment; but just as the one with the babushka was reaching out to wrap another length of the material around the target’s head the creature sprang into action. And then it got noisy. It didn’t matter where Dannerman tried to grab that gorilla-strong upper arm, either. He didn’t get the chance. As he was reaching out for it the flailing arm caught him and slammed him straight across the corridor and into a wall.

Linguistics Team report NBI Eyes Only

The task of providing a translation methodology for the language employed by the “Docs” is without precedent in our discipline. There are of course no loan words or cognates, nor any evident grammatical morphology relevant to any Earthly language or dialect. Lacking linguistic markers, our present line of investigation relies on attempts to identify the “words” (or lexically unitary parts of speech) by analyzing such traits as time depth and sound diversity, and to categorize them in the Bu”hlerian three-modality functional model (expression, arousal and description). So far, however, none have been identified.

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