you, Khanar?’

‘Oh, absolutely, your Imperial Majesty,’ Khanar replied fervently.

‘I wouldn’t think of asking you to turn yourself into a cobra, Lady


‘I rather thought you might both feel that way about it,I


It may have been that conversation in the early autumn of 3817

that had moved Ran Horb to put an end to the civil war in Arendia.

In 3821 he concluded a secret treaty with the Mimbrates, and in

3822, the Mimbrates sacked and burned Vo Astur and chased the

surviving Asturians into the forest. I know it’s not really very nice,

but I did take a great deal of satisfaction in the destruction of Vo

Astur, since it repaid them for destroying Vo Wacune.

NO, I don’t think I’ll pursue that. Gloating isn’t really attractive, so

it should be done in private.

Then, in 3827, Ran Horb II set up the election that ultimately

produced the first Sendarian King. He made one mistake when he laid

down the rules, however. He said that the new king had to receive

a majority of the votes. That turned the whole business into a six-year

holiday in Sendaria. There were seven hundred and forty-three

candidates on the first ballot, and the winnowing-out process took a

long time. Soon, Sendarians were dividing their time almost equally

– mornings devoted to tending the fields and afternoons devoted

to electioneering. They had so much fun that they ignored the fact

that the rest of the world was laughing at them.

I love those people’ When they’re having fun, they don’t care what

the rest of the world thinks.

The ultimate winner, Fundor the Magnificent, had long since

forgotten that he was still a candidate, and his elevation to the throne

came as a complete surprise to him – and quite an inconvenience

as well. Fundor was an agricultural experimenter who hated the

taste of turnips and had been trying for years to replace that

vegetable as a staple in the Sendarian diet with the rutabaga. Since

nobody in his right mind willingly eats rutabagas, Fundor’s

obsession had virtually bankrupted him.

During the course of the six-year-long election, the Sendars had

decided to establish the capital of their incipient kingdom at the city

of Sendar. Their decision was based on the price of land in that

part of Sendaria, and it raised screams of protest from the largely

Tolnedran land-speculators in and around Darine, Camaar, and


Following Fundor’s elevation to the throne, all manner of

fortunehunters flocked to the city of Sendar in the hopes of wheedling

noble titles out of their new king. Fundor put them to work instead,

holding back titles until he saw how well they performed various

tasks. The alien concept of actually working to earn – and keep – a

title offended most of the opportunists drawn to his court, but it

ultimately produced a noble class with that most rare of aristocratic

characteristics, a sense of responsibility.

I drifted around the new kingdom for several years, more or less

unobserved, and as time passed I grew more and more certain that

our experiment was working out quite well. Sendaria prospered,

and the peasants were fairly content. I felt that I’d performed my

final duty as the Duchess of Erat satisfactorily and had thus fulfilled

my pledge to Ontrose.

Since that was out of the way now, I returned to mother’s cottage

and to my studies.

Ran Horb’s system of highways – particularly in Sendaria – mightily

offended the Chereks, of course, since it rendered their unique

ability to navigate the hazards of the Cherek Bore largely irrelevant.

There were rumblings of discontent coming out of Val Alorn, but

since you can’t really sink a highway, there wasn’t very much the

Chereks could do about the new state of affairs.

The Tolnedran highway system extended far beyond Sendaria,

however, and its real impact was felt more in the southern

kingdoms. The first contacts between various Tolnedran entrepreneurs

and the Murgos were tentative and very wary, but before long the

goods of the Angarak kingdoms began to appear in the

marketplaces of Tol Honeth, Tol Borune, Tol Horb, and Tol Vordue. Murgo

hostility began to soften, and the trade between east and west

changed from a trickle to a flood.

Now nothing happens in Cthol Murgos without Ctuchik’s open

consent, so it was obvious to my family that Torak’s disciple,

crouched atop that gloomy peak in the middle of the Wasteland of

Murgos, was ‘up to something’. In all probability, Ctuchik wasn’t

really ‘up to’ anything more serious than spying and subverting a

few Tolnedrans, but as my father and uncle Beldin were to discover

after the war with Nyissa, their former brother, Zedar the apostate,

had been more creative. His offer of immortality had enlisted the

aid of the aging Queen Salmissra in Sthiss Tor, and that significantly

altered history.

But that came a bit later. Following the establishment of the

Kingdom of Sendaria, I devoted myself almost exclusively to the study

of that pair of prophecies, the Mrin and the Darine, and I began to

catch brief, tantalizing glimpses of ‘the Godslayer’. Clearly, I was

going to be intimately involved with this titan, but as time went on

and I probed more deeply, I began to get the strong impression that

he wasn’t going to come riding out of nowhere garbed in shining

armor, trailing clouds of glory, and announced by earthquakes and


The turn of-the millennium occasioned some serious celebration

in the kingdoms of the west, but aside from noting that the year

marked my two thousandth birthday, I paid very little attention to


in the early spring of 4002 I once again remembered that if I

planned to eat the following winter, I’d probably better get to

gardening. I set my studies aside for several weeks to concentrate on

playing in the dirt.

I was spading up my vegetable garden when father swooped in.

I knew immediately that something serious was afoot, since my

father only flies – usually as a falcon – in emergencies. He blurred

back into his natural form, and his expression was agitated. ‘I need

you, Pol!’ he said urgently.

‘I needed you once, remember?’ I said it without even thinking.

‘You didn’t seem very interested. Now I get to return the favor. Go

away, father.’

‘We don’t have time for this, Polgara. We have to go to the Isle

of the Winds immediately. Gorek’s in danger.’

‘Who’s Gorek?,

‘Don’t you have any idea at all about what’s happening in the

world beyond the edge of your garden? Has your brain shut down?

You can’t evade your responsibilities, Pol. You’re still who you are,

and you’re coming with me to the Isle of the Winds even if I have

to pick you up in my talons and take you there.’

‘Don’t threaten me, Old Man. Who’s this Gorek you’re so worried


‘He’s the Rivan King, Pol, the Guardian of the Orb.’

‘The Chereks patrol the Sea of the Winds, father. No fleet in the

world can get past their war boats.’

‘The danger’s not coming from a fleet, Pol. There’s a commercial

enclave just outside the walls of the city of Riva. That’s the source

Of the danger.’

Are you insane, father? Why did you permit strangers on the


‘It’s a long story, and we don’t have time to go into it right now.’

‘How did you find out about this supposed danger?’

‘I just dredged the meaning out of a passage in the Mrin Codex.’

That brushed away all my scepticism. ‘Who’s behind it?’ I


‘Salmissra, as closely as I can determine. She has agents in that

enclave who’ve been ordered to kill the Rivan King and his entire

family. If she manages to pull it off, Torak wins.’

‘Not as long as I’m still breathing, he doesn’t. Is this more of

Ctuchik’s games?’

‘It’s possible, but it’s little subtle for Ctuchik. It might be Urvon

or Zedar.’

‘We can sort that out later. We’re wasting time, father. Let’s go

to the Isle and put a stop to this.’


The shortest route to the Isle of the Winds involved crossing

Ulgoland. Most sensible people avoid that whenever possible, but this

was an emergency, and father and I would be several thousand feet

above the hunting grounds of the Algroths, Hrulgin, and Eldrakyn.

Our brief encounter with Harpies just before we flew over Prolgu,

however, was highly suspicious. So far as I’m able to determine,

that was the only time anyone has ever seen them. Their semi-human

form makes them appear far more dangerous than they really are.

A human face does not automatically indicate human intelligence,

and their lack of a beak makes them a second-rate bird of prey.

Father and I evaded them rather easily and flew on.

Dawn was touching the eastern horizon when we flew over

Camaar. We were both on the verge of exhaustion, but we grimly

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Categories: Eddings, David