Power Lines by Anne McCaffrey And Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. Chapter 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Matthew signaled for George to do so. “Local interference, Farringer, nothing to worry about. This is, as you know, a very primitive planet and the equipment all but obsolete. Generally adequate enough for the purpose, especially considering the time and investment already expended on this wretched place.”

“Let’s cut to the bone: Can this planet be made profitable?”

“Yes, actually it can,” Marmion said, pouncing in ahead of Matthew. “As chair person of this committee, in case you’d forgotten, I have no doubts about that, Farrie.” She gave him her saccharine smile.

“You’ve found the ores then?” secretary-general Ball asked hopefully.

“Petaybee is more important to Interga1 for a heretofore unexplored source of renewable wealth,” Marmion said firmly, “that will require no further capital expenditure while it offers gainful employment to permit the indigenous a decent standard of living as well as a profit for Intergal, and will attract no retaliation from the sentient being who is the planet.”

“Oh, come now, Marmion, you can’t prove that,” Matthew said scornfully, “and you know you can’t.”

“The pharmaceutical wealth of Petaybee?” She raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Why, the reports from your own team of biochemists are quite clear on that point, Matthew. This planet is a treasure trove of diverse and easily harvested medical components.”

Seething, Matthew managed a weak smile. How had Marmion Algemeine got hold of those reports? He had told the head of the team to release information to no one but himself. But then, his team had seriously let him down, their performance declining ever since he had left them alone while he flew to the southern continent. Usually they and their computers were masterful at manipulating statistics to show the results he desired. Since his return, almost every report he looked at reflected data supporting conclusions the opposite of those he wished drawn. More than Petaybean heads would roll when this conference was over.

And where the hell was Torkel Fiske?

“Pharmaceuticals? What pharmaceuticals?” Farringer Ball demanded, looking decidedly interested.

Matthew inwardly writhed. Everyone knew that the secretary-general experimented in consciousness stimulation’s and was still searching for longer-lasting mood adjusters with no side effects.

“Yes, Farrie, some really marvelous concoctions and remedies, guaranteed pure and free of toxic additives and remarkably no discernible side effects,” Marmion went on. “Preparations which, if merchandised properly—that Nova Bene Drug Company you’ve an interest in,” she added, hesitating only briefly over that allusion, —could promote them in an interplanetary campaign—will substantially reduce the debt incurred by the earlier, and unacceptable, purpose of Intergal on this planet. Indeed, we have every reason to believe the planet will assist us in this venture, provided harvesting is carried out in a responsible and prudent manner.”

“As it assisted the murders of four shanachies who had discovered the vast metal and mineral wealth of this rockball?” Matthew asked.

“Murders? What murders?” Farringer looked from one to the other.

“Five, in fact,” Matthew said challengingly, “since the shanachie of the Vale of Tears was so convinced that he would be the next victim that I naturally afforded him asylum on MoonBase.”

“Five? Four? He’s dead, too? Of what?” Farringer Ball was again confused.

“He unfortunately succumbed to a virulent respiratory infection three days ago,” Matthew said quickly, and then pointed behind him, in the direction of the detention cells, “but his death, as well as the murders of the four shanachies, is directly attributable to the concerted program of sabotage, misdirection, and treason perpetrated by the leaders of this conspiracy against Intergal.”

“Who?” the secretary-general asked, more confused by Matthew’s rhetoric than ever.

“By the woman, Clodagh Senungatuk—”

“The Kilcoole biochemist and healer of considerable expertise,” Whittaker Fiske interposed amiably.

“Who, before witnesses, admitted to knowing the toxic quality of the plant which was instrumental in the deaths of the four shanachies!” Matthew snapped back, trying to keep his growing frustration under control. “And the so-called doctor Sean Shongili, the reputed genetic scientist who has in fact, aided and abetted Senungatuk in her program of sabotage, subversion, and the estrangement of the population from their natural protectors, Intergal!—

“What a load of cod’s wallop!” Whittaker said, shaking his head and raising his eyes skyward at Matthew’s accusations.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne