Pratchett, Terry – Discworld 01 – The Colour of Magic

Twoflower hung on as best he could as Ninereeds swooped through a succession of caverns and soared around a spiral staircase that could easily have accommodated a retreating army. At the top they emerged into the more inhabited regions, the mirrors at every corridor corner brightly polished and reflecting a pale light.

I .smell other dragon’s.

The wings became a blur and Twoflower was jerked back as the dragon veered and sped off down a side corridor like a gnat-crazed swallow.

Another sharp turn sent them soaring out of a tunnel mouth in the side of a vast cavern. There were rocks far below, and up above were broad shafts of light from great holes near the roof. A lot of activity on the ceiling, too . . . as Ninereeds hovered, thumping the air with his wings, two Side 86

Pratchett, Terry – Discworld 01 – The Colour of Magic flower peered up at the shapes of roosting beastS

and tiny men-shaped dots that were somehow walking upside down.

This is a roosting hall, said the dragon in a satisfied tone.

As Twoflower watched, one of the shapes far above detached itself from the roof and began to grow larger . ,

Rincewind watched as I,io’rt’s pale face dropped away from him. This is funny, gibbered a small part of his mind, why am I rising?

Then he began to tumble in the air and reality took over. He was dropping to the distant, guano”speckled rocks.

His brain reeled with the thought. The words of the Spell picked just that moment to surface from the depths of his mind, as they always did in time of crisis. Why not say us, they seemed to urge.

What have you got to lose?

Rincewind waved a hand in the gathering slipstream.

“Ashonai,’ he called. The word formed in front of him in a cold blue flame that streamed in the wind.

He waved the other hand, drunk with terror and magic.

“Ehiris,’ he intoned. The sound froze into a flickering orange word that hung beside its companion. ,,””Urshoring, Kvanti. Pythan. N’gurad.


gomalee.’ As the words blazed their rainbow colours around him he flung his hands back and prepared to say the eighth and final word that would appear in corruscating octarine and seal the spell. The imminent rocks were forgotten.

The breath was knocked out of him, the spell ‘ he began, scattered and snuffed out. A pair of arms locked around hiS waist and the whole world jerked sideways as the dragon rose out of its long dive claws grazing just for a moment the topmost rock on the Wyrmberg’s noisome floor. Twoflower laughed triumphantly.

“Got him!’

.And the dragon, curving gracefully at the trip of his hight, gave a lazy flip of his wings and soared through a cavemouth into the morning air.

At noon, in a wide green meadow on the lush tableland that was the top of the

impossibly-balanced Wyrmberg, the dragons and their riders formed a wide circle. There was room beyond them for a rabble of servants and slaves and others who scratched a living here on the roof of the world, and they were all watching the figures clustered in the centre of the grassy arena. The group contained a number of senior dragon

lords, and among them were Lie!tt and his brother LiarteB. The former was still rubbing his legs, with Small grimaces of pain. Slightly to one side stood Liessa and Hrun, with some of the woman’s own followerS. Between the two factions stood the Wyrmberg’s hereditary Loremaster.

“As you know,’ he said uncertainly, “the not-fully-late Lord of the Wyrmberg, Greicha the First, has stipulated that there will be no succession until one of his children feels himself – or as it might be, herself – powerful enough to challenge and defeat Side 87

Pratchett, Terry – Discworld 01 – The Colour of Magic his or her siblings in mortal combat.’

“Yes’, yes, we know all that. Get on with it,’ said a thin peevish voice from the air beside him.

The loremaster swallowed. He had never come to terms with his former master’s failure to expire properly. Is the old buzzard dead or isn’t he? he wondered.

“It is not certain,’ he quavered, “whether it is allowable to issue a challenge by proxy-‘

“It is, it is,’ snapped Greicha’s disembodied voice.

‘It shows intelligence. Don’t take all day about it.’

‘I challenge you,’ said Hrun, glaring at the brothers, “both at once.’

Lie!tt and Liartes exchanged looks.

“You’ll fight us both together?’ said l’iartes, a tall, wiry man with long black hair.


“That’s pretty uneven odds, isn’t it?

“Yah. I outnumber you one to two.’

Liofrt scowled. “You arrogant barbarian-‘

“That just about does it,’ growled Hrun. “I’ll-‘

The Loremaster put out a blue-veined hand to restrain him.

“It is forbidden to fight on the Killing Ground,’

he said, and paused while he considered the sense of this. “You know what I mean, anyway,’ he hazarded, giving up, and added “As the challenged parties my lords Lie!tt and Liartes have choice of weapons.’

“Dragons,’ they said together. Liessa snorted.

“Dragons can be used offensively, therefore they are weapons,’ said Lie!tt firmly. ‘if you disagree we can fight over it.’

“Yah,’ said his brother, nodding at Hrun.

The Loremaster felt a ghostly finger prod him in the chest ‘Don’t stand there with your mouth open,’ said Greicha’s graveyard voice. “Just hurry up, will you?” Hrun stepped back, shaking his head.

“oh no,’ he said. ‘Once was enough. I’d rather be dead than fight on one of those things.’

“Die, then,’ said the Loremaster, as kindly as he could manage.

Lie!tt and Liartes were already striding back across the turf to where the servants stood waiting with their mounts. Hrun ‘turned to Liessa. She Shrugged. “don’t I even get a sword?’ he pleaded. “A knife, even?’

“No,’ she said. “I didn’t expect this.’ She suddenly looked smaller, all defiance gone. ‘i’m sorry.’

“You’re sorry?’

“Yes. I’m sorry.’

“Yes, I thought you said you’re sorry.’

‘Don’t glare at me like that! I can imagine you the finest dragon to ride’


The Loremaster wiped his nose on a

handkerchief, held the little silken square aloft for a moment, then let it fall.

A boom of wings made Hrun spin around.

Liofrt’s dragon was already airborne and circling Side 88

Pratchett, Terry – Discworld 01 – The Colour of Magic around towards them. As it swooped low over the turf a billow of flame shot from its mouth, scoring a black Streak across the grass that rushed towards Hrun.

At the last minute he pushed Liessa aside, and felt the wild pain of the flame on his arm as he dived for Safety. He rolled as he hit the ground, and flipped on to his feet again while he looked around frantically for the other dragon. It came in from one side, and Hrun was forced to take a badly-judged standing jump to escape the flame. The dragon’s tail whipped around as it passed and caught him a stinging blow across the forehead.

He pushed himself upright, shaking his head to maKe the wheeling stars go away. His blistered back screamed pain at him.

Lio’rt came in for a second run, but slower this time to allow for the big man’s unexpected agility.

As the ground drifted up he saw the barbarian standing stock still, chest heaving, arms hanging loosely by his sides. An easy target.

As his dragon swooped away Lio’rt turned his head, expecting to see a dreadfully big cinder.

There was nothing there. Puzzled, Lie!tt turned back.

Hrun, heaving himself over the dragon’s shoulder scales with one hand and beating out his flaming hair with the other, presented himself to his view.

Lie!rt’s hand flew to his dagger, but pain had sharpened Hrun’s normally excellent reflexes to needle point. A backhand blow hammered into the dragonlord’s wrist, sending the dagger arcing away towards the ground, and another caught the man full on the chin.

The dragon, carrying the weight of two men, was only a few yards above the grass. This turned out to be fortunate, because at the moment Lie!tt lost consciousness the dragon winked out of existence.

Liessa hurried across the grass and helped Hrun stagger to his feet. He blinked at her.

“What happened? What happened?’ he said thickly.

‘That was really fantastic,’ she said. “The way you turned that somersault in mid-air and everything.’

“Yah, but what happened?’

“it’s rather difficult to explain-‘

Hrun peered up at the sky. Liartes

by far the

most cautious of the two brothers, was circling high above them.

“Well, you’ve got about ten seconds to try,’ he said “The dragons-‘


“They’re imaginary.’

”Like all these imaginary burns on my arm, you mean?’ “Yes. No!’ she shook her head violently. “I’ll have to tell you later! ‘

‘Fine, if you can find a really good medium, snapped Hrun. He glared up at Liartes, who was beginning to descend in wide sweeps.

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