Prince of Chaos by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 10, 11

I looked at Coral, who shook her head slightly. “So what’ll it be?” I asked. Coral came over and placed her hand upon my shoulder. ‘ “Get me out of here,” she said.

“You heard ‘em,” I told it. “Everybody goes.”

“I crave your indulgence a moment more,” it said.

“For what?” I asked.

“Consider. Choosing between the Logrus and myself is not a mere matter of politics-of selecting this person or that to do a particular job. My adversary and I represent two fundamental principles by means of which the universe is organized. You may tag us with nouns and adjectives from most languages and dozens of disciplines, but we represent, basically, Order and Chaos-Apollonian and Dionysiac, if you like; reason and feeling, if you prefer; madness and sanity; light and dark; signal and noise. As much as this may seem to indicate it, however, neither of us seeks the other’s extinction. Heat death or fireball, classicism or anarchy, each of us proceeds along a single track, and without the other it would lead to a dead end. Both of us know this, and the game we have played since the beginning is a far more subtle thing-ultimately, perhaps, to be judged only esthetically.

“Now, I have gained a significant edge over my ancient adversary, for the first time in ages. I am in a position now to produce a historian’s dream throughout Shadow-an age of high civilization and culture such as shall never be forgotten. If the balance were tipped the other way we would be contemplating a period of upheaval at least on par with that of an ice age. When I spoke of you as game pieces it was not to minimize your roles in this. For this is a time of great fluidity, when the Jewel and the man who would be king will make a difference. Stay with me, and I will guarantee the Golden Age of which I spoke, and you a part in it. Leave, and you will be snatched away by the other. Darkness and disorder will follow. Which would you have?”

Luke smiled.

“I know a good sales pitch when I hear it,” he said. “Narrow it down to a simple choice. Make them think it’s their own.”

Coral squeezed my shoulder. “We’re going,” I said. “Very well,” said the Sign. “Tell me where you want to go, and I’ll

send you all there.”

“Not all,” Luke said suddenly. “Just them.”

“I do not understand. What about you?”

He drew a dagger and slashed his palm. He advanced and stood beside me, extending his hand out over the Pattern, also.

“If we go, only three of us may arrive,” he said, “if that. I’ll stay here and keep you company while you deliver my friends.”

“How will you know I’ve done it in a satisfactory fashion?”

“Good question,” he said. “Merle, you got a set of Trumps on you?”


I removed them and showed them to him.

“Still got one of me in there?”

“Last time I looked I did.”

“Then get it out and have it ready. Figure your next move before you take off. Stay in touch with me till you make it.”

“What about yourself, Luke? You can’t sit there forever as a bloody threat to Order. It’s only a temporary stalemate. You have to surrender your position sooner or later, and when you do-“

“Do you still have some odd cards in that deck?”

“What do you mean?”

“The ones you once referred to as the Trumps of Doom.”

I riffled through. They were mostly near the bottom. “Yes,” I said. “Beautifully executed. I wouldn’t have tossed them.”

“You really think so?”

“Yeah. Get together a bunch of stuff this good, and I’ll get you an exhibit back in Amber.”

“You serious? You’re not just saying that because-“ The Sign of the Pattern emitted a growling sound.

“Everybody’s a critic,” Luke observed. “Okay. Pull all the Trumps of Doom.”

I did this.

“Mix ‘em up a little. Keep ‘em face down, please.”

“All right.”

“Fan ‘em.”

He leaned forward, took a card.

“Okay,” he said. “I’m in business. Whenever you’re ready, tell it where to take you. Stay in touch. Hey, Pattern, I want an iced tea of my own.”

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger