Prince of Chaos by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 10, 11

I rose carefully to my feet, fumbling at my belt for my dagger.

Luke got up and walked over to Coral, knelt beside her.

“Are you awake?” he asked.

“Sort of,” she answered.

“Can you stand?”


“Let me help you.”

Dalt rose while Luke was assisting her. I continued to sidle toward the design. Where was Dworkin when I really needed him?

“You may enter the caves behind you and inspect your quarters,” the Sign said. “But first you must remove that ring, Merlin.”

“No, now’s hardly a time to be unpacking and getting comfortable,” I answered, slashing my left palm with the dagger and taking a final step. “We won’t be staying long.”

A sound like a small thunderclap emerged from the Sign of the Pattern, but there was no lightning, nor did I think there would be. Not when it realized what I was holding in my hand, and where I was holding it.

“A thing I learned from Luke’s father,” I explained. “Let’s talk.”

“Yes,” said the Sign of the Pattern, “like the reasonable beings that we are. Would you care for some cushions?”

Immediately, three such objects appeared nearby.

“Thanks,” I said, drawing up a green one. “I could sure use an iced tea.”

“Do you take sugar?”


Seated upon a cushion, dagger at my side, I held my left hand out over the Pattern, cupped palm filled with my blood. The Sign of the Pattern hovered in the air before me, seeming, of a sudden, to have forgotten Coral, Nayda, Dalt, and Luke. I sipped from the frosted glass in my right hand, a sprig of fresh mint visible amid the ice.

“Prince Merlin,” inquired the Sign, “tell me what it is that you desire, and let us resolve this matter quickly. Are you sure I mightn’t fetch you a napkin to place at the danger point? It would not minimize your bargaining ability, if you stop to think of it. But it would serve to prevent accidents.”

“No, that’s okay,” I said, half-gesturing with the blood-filled hand, so that its contents were stirred, a small line of red trickling up my wrist. “Thanks, anyhow.”

The Sign of the Pattern vibrated, grew still.

“Prince Merlin, you have made your point,” it said. “But I do not think you realize the full implications of your threat. A few drops of your blood upon my physical design could disturb the functioning of the universe.”

I nodded.

“I know,” I said.

“Very well,” it answered. “State your demands.”

“Our freedom,” I said. “Let us go, and you remain intact.”

“You give me small choice, but the same applies to your friends.”

“What do you mean?”

“You may send Dalt whenever you wish,” it said. “As for the demon lady, I relinquish her with regret, as I feel she would have provided good company-“

Luke regarded Nayda.

“What is this ‘creature of the Pit,’ ‘demon lady’ business, anyway?” he asked.

“Well, there are a few things you don’t know about me …” she responded.

“Is it a long story?” he asked.


“Am I an assignment? Or do you really like me?”

“You’re not an assignment, and I really like you.”

“Then we’ll hear the story later,” he said.

“As I said, send her,” it went on. “And Dalt. And Luke. I will be happy to send the three of them wherever you wish. But does it occur to you that you and Coral are probably safer here than anywhere else?”

“Maybe. Maybe not,” I answered. “Coral, how do you feel about it?”

“Get me out of here,” she said.

“So much for that notion,” I told it. “Now-“

“Wait. You want to be fair to your friends, don’t you?”

“Sure I do.”

“Then let me point some things out to them which they may not have considered.”

“Go ahead.”

“Lady,” it said, “they want your eye in the Courts of Chaos. Your feelings on the matter are immaterial. If this can only be achieved by making you a prisoner, then it will be done.”

Coral laughed softly.

“The alternative being to remain your prisoner?” she asked.

“Think of yourself as a guest. I will provide for your every comfort. Of course, there is a positive gain for me in this state of affairs-apart from denying the adversary your presence. I acknowledge this. But you must choose one of us, else the other will grab you off.”

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