Prince of Chaos by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 3, 4

“I suppose you could put it that way, in a sort of technical sense.”

“I’m not sure I like that-especially such a specialized one.”

“It does seem to have certain drawbacks. But one thing at a time. Let’s get you stabilized before we start looking for angles.”

“All right. You’ve got a captive audience.”

There came a rattle, as of a rolled stone, from outside, followed by a small clanking noise.

Luke turned his head.

“I don’t think that’s just the wind,” he stated.

“Take the last sip,” I said, moving away from the cup and groping after my handkerchief. “It’ll have to hold you.”

He tossed it off as I wrapped my wrist. He knotted it in place for me.

“Let’s get out of here,” I said. “The vibes are getting bad.”

“Fine with me,” he replied as a figure appeared at the doorway. It was backlighted, its features lost in shadow.

“You’re not going anywhere, Pattern ghost,” came an almost-familiar voice.

I willed the spikard to about 150 watts illumination. It was Borel, showing his teeth in an unfriendly fashion.

“You are about to become a very large candle, Patterner,” he said to Luke.

“You’re wrong, Borel,” I said, raising the spikard.

Suddenly, the Sign of the Logrus swam between us.

“Borel? The master swordsman?” Luke inquired.

“The same,” I answered.

“Oh, shit!” Luke said.

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