Prince of Chaos by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 5, 6, 7

“And I have dwelled in Amber. My relatives are as numerous there as they are here.”

“It is really that close, then?”

“If it were not, it might have simplified matters.”

“In that case,” she said, “you must turn it around.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ask not which appeals the most to you, but which can do the most for you,”

I sipped a fine green tea as the storm rolled nearer. Something splashed within the waters of our inlet.

“All right,” I said, “I’m asking.”

She leaned forward and smiled and her eyes darkened. She has always had perfect control of her face and form, shifting them to suit her moods. She is obviously the same person, but at times she may choose to appear as little more than a girl, at other times becoming a mature and handsome woman. Generally, she seems somewhere in between. But now, a certain timeless quality came into her features-not age so much as the essence of Time-and I realized suddenly that I had never known her true age. I watched as something like a veil of ancient power came across it.

“The Logrus,” she said, “will lead you to greatness.”

I continued to stare.

“What sort of greatness?” I asked.

“What sort do you desire?”

“I don’t know that I ever wanted greatness, on its own. It seems rather

like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something-or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise, it’s just an ego trip.”

“But if you earn it-if you deserve it-shouldn’t you have it?”

“I suppose. But so far I’ve done nothing”-my eyes fell to a bright circle of light beneath the dark waters, moving as if running before a storm-“except perhaps for an odd piece of equipment, which might fall into that category.”

“You are young, of course,” she said, “and the times for which you were meant to be uniquely qualified have come sooner than I’d anticipated.”

If I were to use magic to summon a cup of coffe, would she resent that? Yes, I believed. She would. So I decided on a glass of wine. As I poured it and took a sip, I said, “I’m afraid I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

She nodded.

“It is hardly something you could learn from introspection,” she said slowly, “and no one would be so rash as to mention the possibility to you.”

“What are you talking about, Mother?”

“The throne. To reign in the Courts of Chaos.”

“Mandor had sort of suggested I think about it,” I said.

“All right. No one, excepting Mandor, would be so rash as to mention it.”

“I gather mothers get a certain kick out of seeing their sons do well, but unfortunately you’ve named a job for which I lack not only skill, aptitude, and training but also any desire.”

She steepled her fingers and regarded me from just above them.

“You are better qualified than you think, and your desires have nothing to do with the matter.”

“As an interested party, I must beg to differ with you.”

“Even if it were the only way to protect friends and relatives both here and in Amber?”

I took another sip of wine.

“Protect them? Against what?”

“The Pattern is about to try redefining the middle regions of Shadow in its own image. It is probably strong enough to do it now.”

“You were talking of Amber and the Courts, not of Shadow.”

“The Logrus will have to resist this incursion. Since it would probably lose in a direct confrontation with its opposite, it will be forced to employ agents strategically, in a strike against Amber. The most effective agents would, of course, be champions of the Courts-“

“This is mad!” I said. “There must be a better way!”

“Possibly,” she replied. “Accept the throne and you’ll be giving the orders.”

“I don’t know enough.”

“You will be briefed, of course.”

“What about the proper order of succession?”

“That’s not your problem.”

“I rather think I’d have an interest in how it’s achieved-say, whether I’d owe you or Mandor for the majority of deaths.”

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