Prince of Chaos by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 5, 6, 7

“Stay,” she said. “We’ve more important matters tc deal with than vengeance upon a toy. I have dispatched my cousins Hendrake for the bride of Chaos. If you wish this plan to succeed, I suggest you assist them.”

“I recall your plan for Prince Brand, setting the lady Jasra to snare him. It could not fail, you told me.”

“It brought you closer than you ever came, old Serpent, to the power you desire.”

“That is true,” it acknowledged.

“And the bearer of the Eye is a simpler being than Jasra.”

The Sign slid past her, a tiny sun turning itself into a succession of ideograms.

“Merlin, you will take the throne and serve me when the time comes?”

“I will do what is necessary to redress the balance of power,” I replied.

“That is not what I asked! Will you take the throne under the terms I set?”

“If that is what is needed to set things right,” I answered.

“This pleases me,” it said. “Keep your toy.”

Dara moved aside, and it passed near to her before fading.

“Ask him of Luke and Corwin and the new Pattern,” it said, and then it was gone.

She turned toward me and stared.

“Pour me a glass of wine,” she said.

I did this. She raised it and took a swallow.

“So tell me of Luke and Corwin and the new Pattern,” she said.

“Tell me of Jasra and Brand,” I countered.

“No. You will go first in this,” she said.

“Very well,” I said. “It neglected to mention that they were Pattern ghosts. Luke’s appeared to me on the way over here, sent by the Pattern to persuade me to depart this realm. The Logrus sent Lord Borel’s to dispose of Luke.”

“Luke being Rinaldo, the son of Jasra and Brand, husband of Coral and King of Kashfa?”

“Very good. Now tell me of all that business at the end. You set Jasra to snare Brand, to guide him down the path he took?”

“He would have taken it anyhow. He came to the Courts seeking power to further his ends. She merely made things a little easier for him.”

“That’s not how it sounded to me. But does that mean my father’s curse was not really a factor?”

“No, it helped-in a metaphysical way-making it easier to extend the Black Road to Amber. Why is it you are still here, when King Rinaldo bade you depart? Is it loyalty to the Courts?”

“I had a date with you for lunch, and it’s been a while. Hated to miss it.”

She smiled, very slightly, and took a small sip of wine.

“You change the subject well,” she stated. “Let us return to it now.

The ghost of Borel dispatched that of Rinaldo, I take it?”

“Not exactly.”

“What do you mean?”

“My father’s ghost showed up about then and dealt with Borel, permitting us to depart.”

“Again? Corwin bested Borel again?” I nodded.

“Neither remembered their first encounter, of course. Their memories only go back to the time of their recording, and-“

“I understand the principle. Then what happened?”

“We fled,” I answered, “and I subsequently came here.”

“What did the Logrus mean in referring to the Pattern?”

“My father’s ghost was apparently generated them; rather than by the old one.”

She sat upright, eyes suddenly wide.

“How do you know this?” she demanded.

“He told me,” I answered.

She stared past me then at the now-silent sea. “So the third power is actually taking a part in things,” she mused. “This is fascinating, as well as disconcerting. Damn the man for having drawn it!”

“You really hate him, don’t you?” I said.

Her eyes focused again upon my own.

“Let that subject be!” she ordered. “Save for this,” she amended a moment later. “Did he give you any indication as to the new Pattern’s allegiance-or its plans? The fact that .it sent him to protect Luke might be seen as a seconding of the old Pattern’s action. On the other hand-either because it was created by your father, or because it has its own uses for you-I can see it simply as an effort at your protection. What did he say?”

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