Prince of Chaos by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 8, 9


Luke grinned at me, scowled at Jurt.

“Where’ve you been, anyway?” he asked.

“The Courts of Chaos,” I replied. “I was summoned from here at the death of Swayvill. The funeral’s in progress right now. We sneaked away when I learned that Coral was in danger.”

“I know that-now,” Luke said. “She’s gone. Kidnapped, I think.”

“When did it happen?”

“Night before last, I’d judge. What do you know of it?”

I glanced at Jurt. “Time differential,” he said.

“She represented a chance to pick up a few points,” I explained, “in the ongoing game between the Pattern and the Logrus. So agents of Chaos were sent for her. They wanted her intact, though. She should be okay.”

“What do they want her for?”

“Seems they feel she’s specially suited to be queen in Thelbane, what with the Jewel of Judgment as a piece of her anatomy and all.”

“Who’s going to be the new king?”

My face felt warm of a sudden.

“Well, the people who came for her had me in mind for the job,” I replied.

“Hey, congratulations!” he said. “Now I don’t have to be the only one having all this fun.”

“What do you mean?”

“This king business ain’t worth shit, man. I wish I’d never gotten sucked into the deal in the first place. Everybody’s got a piece of your time, and when they don’t someone still has to know where you are.”

“Hell, you were just crowned. Give it a chance to shake down.”

“ ‘Just’? It’s been over a month!”

“Time differential,” Jurt repeated.

“Come on. I’ll buy you a cup of coffee,” Luke said.

“You’ve got coffee here?”

“I require it, man. This way.” He led us out the door, turned left, headed down a stair.

“I had a funny thought,” he said, “while you were talking back there-about you reigning, and Coral a desirable queen. I could get the marriage annulled pretty damn quick, since I’m in charge here. Now, you want her for your queen and I want that Golden Circle Treaty with Amber. I think I see a way to make everybody happy.”

“It’s a lot more complicated than that, Luke. I don’t want the job, and it would be very bad for us if my kinsmen back in the Courts got custody of Coral. I’ve learned a lot of things recently.”

“Such as?” Luke said, opening a postern that let upon a walkway to the rear of the palace.

I glanced back at Jurt.

“He’s scared, too,” I said. “That’s why we’re a little more cordial these days.”

Jurt nodded.

“It’s possible Brand could have been partly victim of a plan originated in the Courts,” he said, “part of an idea that’s still alive there.”

“We’d better go for the whole breakfast,” Luke said. “Let’s swing around back and take it in the kitchen.” We followed him down a garden path.

And so we ate and talked as the day brightened about us. Luke insisted I try Coral’s Trump again, which I did with the same result. Then he cursed, nodded, and said,’ “Your timing’s actually pretty good. The guys who grabbed her were reported to have taken off along a black trail into the west.”

“It figures,” I said.

“I’ve reason to believe they didn’t make it back to the Courts with her.”


“I understand these black thoroughfares you guys use are dangerous to outsiders,” he observed. “But I can show you what’s left of this one-it’s a black pathway now, actually. I’d like to follow it, but I don’t know that I can, get away for long. Also, is there a way to protect me from the trail itself?”

“Just being in our company would keep you from harm as we traveled it,” Jurt said.

I stood. The cook and two dishwashers glanced in our direction.

“There is somebody you have to meet, Luke,” I told him. “Right now.”

“Why not?” he said, rising. “Where is he?”

“Let’s take a walk,” I said.


We got to our feet, headed back to the servants’ door. “So, whether she was a willing accomplice or a magical time bomb, Mom might have conned Dad into his efforts to take over in Amber-and, ultimately, to change the world,” Luke said.

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger