“Hello, Joey.” Collier examined her from head to toe as if he half expected to find her not quite all in one piece .”We’ve missed you over the past few days.”

Maggie shot the doctor a quelling look, and her heightened color revealed a dusting of freckles over pale skin. “What Allan means is that—uh—you just hadn’t come by the bar in a while, and I had sort of gotten used to your visits.” She smiled rather lamely. Joey was even more convinced she had walked in on a conspiratorial conversation on the subject of herself—and, she had no doubt, Luke Gévaudan.

She forced a smile. “I’m sorry I’ve been scarce lately, Maggie. And stop giving me that look, Allan. I might have some reason to think you’ve been keeping an eye on me.”

Maggie had the grace to blush, but Collier merely returned her smile. “It’s always a pleasure to keep an eye on a very lovely lady,” he said gallantl. Maggie rolled her eyes.

“I appreciate that,” Joey murmured, “more than you know. Both of you.” She hesitated, considering the best way to broach the topic of what she needed to learn. “You’ve both been good friends, and I’ve been neglectful. The fact is, I’ve finally made some progress in what I came to Lovell to accomplish.”

Collier raised his brows, not quite concealing the smallest of frowns, Maggie did not bother to hide hers.

“Don’t tell me, ” the redhead began, but Joey broke in before she could complete her question.

“I found my guide, Maggie. I have a way now to do what I came here to do, and everything is just fine.” She intercepted Collier’s penetrating look. “I’m fine. Really. But I just need to take care of one more thing before my plans are settled.”

Both her friends gazed at her, neither one looking particularly pleased. They both clearly knew who her guide was, even if they hadn’t seen her since the day she had made her proposal to Luke. Maggie had made her doubts plain before, though they seemed to have evolved into something more serious. And Collier—there had been that undercurrent during dinner the previous Thursday, another mystery among all the others. If she’d had time for it, Joey would have asked for explanations.

As it was, she wanted only one thing She shrugged off further equivocation “I hope that one of you can help me. I need to know how to get to Luke Gévaudan’s cabin.”

Her announcement had the expected effect. Maggie shook her head, and Colliers usually pleasant expression grew strained. She knew they were working up to lecturing her, and she had a fair idea of the subject of that lecture. Her nerves had been strained almost to the breaking point by weeks of disappointment and days of emotional turmoil. She had reached the end of her rope.

“I know what you’re going to say, both of you. It’s not something I need to hear.” She deliberately fought to soften the hard note in her voice. “I really can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for some time now.” Old memories surfaced briefly and were pushed aside. “The only help I need right now is to find out how to track down my guide. He’s already agreed to help me, and I just need to make sure he doesn’t forget.”

Collier closed his eyes. Maggie ran her hands through her mop of hair. Neither one looked reassured or convinced.

She waited for a long moment, gazing from one to the other. “If you can’t help me,” she said at last, “I’m sure I can get the information I need somewhere else.”

There was another span of silence. Joey was preparing to turn on her heel and leave them when Collier cleared his throat.

“Very well, Joey I can show you how to get to Luke’s cabin. It’s the better part of a day’s travel by foot, going at a reasonable pace.” His blue eyes traced over her. “I’ve no doubt you can handle it—if you’re careful.” His words carried many layers of meaning. “If you’ll come with me back to my office, I’ll show you.” His glance shifted to Maggie, who hunched her shoulders and shook her head.

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Categories: Krinard, Susan