Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy

“I rather admire the Ethiopians’ approach to situations like this,” Stanley observed. He was sipping tea.

“What’s that?” Chavez asked tiredly.

“Some years ago they had a hijacking attempt on their national flag carrier. There happened to be security chap aboard, and they got control of the situation. Then they strapped their charges in first-class seats, wrapped towels around their necks to protect the upholstery, and cut their throats, right there on the aircraft. And you know-”

“Gotten,” Ding observed. Nobody had messed with that airline since. “Simple, but effective.”

“Quite.” He set his cup down. “I hope this sort of thing doesn’t happen too often.”

The three officers looked out the windows to see the runway lights just before the 777 thumped down at RCAF Gander. There was a muted series of cheers and a smattering of applause from aft. The airliner slowed and then taxied off to the military facilities, where it stopped- The front-right door was opened, and a scissors lift truck moved to it, slowly and carefully.

John, Ding, and Alistair unsnapped their seat belts and moved toward the door, keeping an eye on the three hijackers as they did so. The first aboard the aircraft was a RCAF officer with a pistol belt and white lanyard, followed by three men in civilian clothes who had to be cops.

“You’re Mr. Clark?” the officer asked.

“That’s right.” John pointed. “There’s your three suspects, I think the term is.” He smiled tiredly at that. The cops moved to deal with them.

“Alternate transport is on the way, about an hour out,” the Canadian officer told him.

“Thank you.” The three moved to collect their carryon baggage, and in two cases, their wives. Patsy was asleep and had to be awakened. Sandy had gotten back into her hook. Two minutes later, all five of them were on the ground, shuffling into one of the RCAF cars. As soon as they pulled away, the aircraft started moving again, taxiing to the civilian terminal so that the passengers could get off and stretch while the 777 was serviced and refueled.

“How do we get to England?” Ding asked, after getting his wife bedded down in the unused ready room.

“Your Air Force is sending a VC-20. There will be people at Heathrow to collect your bags. There’s a Colonel Byron coming for your three prisoners,” the senior cop explained.

“Here are their weapons.” Stanley handed over three airsick bags with the disassembled pistols inside. “Browning M-1935s, military finish. No explosives. They really are bloody amateurs. Basques, I think. They seem to have been after the Spanish ambassador to Washington. His wife was in the seat next to mine. Senora Constanza de Monterosa – the wine family. They bottle the most marvelous clarets and Madeiras. I think you will find that this was an unauthorized operation.”

“And who exactly are you?” the cop asked. Clark handled it.

“We can’t answer that. You’re sending the hijackers right back?”

“Ottawa has instructed us to do that under the Hijacking Treaty. Look, I have to say something to the press.

“Tell them that three American law enforcement officers happened to be aboard and helped to subdue the idiots,” John told him.

“Yeah, that’s close enough,” Chavez agreed with a grin. First arrest I ever made, John. Damn, I forgot to give them their rights,” he added. He was weary enough to think that enormously funny.

They were beyond filthy, the receiving team saw. That was no particular surprise. Neither was the fact that they smelled bad enough to gag a skunk. That would have to wait. The litters were carried off the truck into the building ten miles west of Binghamton. New York, in the hill country of central New York State. In the clean room, all ten were sprayed in the face from a squeeze bottle much like that used to clean windows. It was done one at a time to all of them, then half were given injections into the arm. Both groups of five got steel bracelets, numbered 1 to 10. Those with even numbers got the injections. The odd numbered control group did not. With this task done, the ten homeless were carried off to the bunk room to sleep off the wine and the drugs. The truck which had delivered them was already gone, heading west for Illinois and a return to its regular duties. The driver hadn’t even known what he’d done, except to drive.



The VC-20B flight was somewhat lacking in amenities the food consisted of sandwiches and an undistinguished wine but the seats were comfortable and the ride smooth enough that everyone slept until the wheels and flaps came down at RAF Northholt, a military airfield just west of London. As the USAF G-IV taxied to the ramp, John remarked on the age of the buildings.

“Spitfire base from the Battle of Britain,” Stanley explained, stretching in his seat. “We let private business jets use it as well.”

“We’ll be back and forth outta here a lot, then,” Ding surmised at once, rubbing his eyes and wishing for coffee. “What time is it?”

“Just after eight, local-Zulu time, too, isn’t it””

“Quite,” Alistair confirmed, with a sleepy grunt.

Just then the rain started, making for a proper welcome to British soil. It was a hundred-yard walk to the reception building, where a British official stamped their passports and officially welcomed them to his country before going back to his breakfast tea and newspaper.

Three cars waited outside, all of them black Daimler limousines, which headed off the base, then west, and south for Hereford. This was proof that he was a civilian bureaucrat, Clark told himself in the lead car. Otherwise they’d have used helicopters. But Britain wasn’t entirely devoid of civilization. They stopped at a roadside McDonald’s for Egg McMuffins and coffee. Sandy snorted at the cholesterol intake. She’d been chiding John about it for months. Then she thought about the previous night.


“Yes, honey?”

“Who were they`.?”

“Who, the guys on the airplane”” He looked over and got a nod. “Not sure. probably Basque separatists. It looked like they were after the Spanish ambassador, but they screwed up big-time. He wasn’t aboard, just his wife.”

“They were trying to hijack the airplane?”

“Yep, they sure were.”

“Isn’t that scary?”

John nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, it is. Well, would have been scarier if they were competent, but they weren’t.” An inner smile. Boy, did they ever pick the wrong fight! But he couldn’t laugh about it now, not with his wife sitting next to him, on the wrong side of the road-a fact that had him looking up in some irritation. It felt very wrong to be on the left side of the road, driving along at . . . eighty miles per hour? Damn. Didn’t they have speed limits here?

“What’ll happen to them?” Sandy persisted.

‘There’s an international treaty. The Canadians will ship them back to the States for trial-Federal Court. They’ll be tried, convicted, and imprisoned for air piracy. They’ll be behind bars for a long time.” And they were lucky at that, Clark didn’t add. Spain might well have been a little more unpleasant about it.

“First time in a long time something like that happened.”

“Yep.” Her husband agreed. You had to be a real dolt ;u hijack airplanes, but dolts, it appeared, were not yet an endangered species. That was why he was the Six of an orginization called Rainbow. There is good news and there is bad news, the memo he’d written had begun. As usual, it wasn’t couched in bureaucratese; it was a language Clark had never quite learned despite his thirty years in CIA.

With the demise of the Soviet Union and other nation states with political positions adverse to American and Western interests, the likelihood of a major international confrontation is at an all-time low. This, clearly, is the best of good news.

But along with that we must face the fact that there remain many experienced and trained international terrorists still roaming the world, some with lingering contacts with national intelligence agencies – plus the fact that some nations, while not desirous of a direct confrontation with American or other Western nations, could still make use of the remaining terrorist `free agents “for more narrow political goals.

If anything, this problem is very likely to grow, since under the previous world situation, the major nation states placed firm limits on terrorist activity-these limits enforced by controlled access to weapons, funding, training, and safehavens.

It seems likely that the current world situation will invert the previous “understanding” enjoyed by the major countries. The price of support, weapons, training, and safehavens might well become actual terrorist activity, not the ideological purity previously demanded by sponsoring nation states.

The most obvious solution to this-probably-increasing problem will be a new multinational counterterrorist team.

I propose the code name Rainbow. I further propose that the organization be based in the United Kingdom. The reasons for this are simple:

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Categories: Clancy, Tom