Rats, Bats and Vats by Dave Freer and Eric Flint

They headed on down. Chip fell-slithered the last five yards or so, but there were no bones broken, and no Maggot came storming out of the dark to see who was making such a racket. And besides, lying there, groaning, he made a softer landing for Doc.

“Uh! Did you have to land on me?”

“My apologies, Chip. When I heard you fall I came with all haste to see if I could render you any assistance. Alas, thesis became antithesis. As always, the unity of opposites is matched by their struggle.”

As Doc said this, Phylla landed on Chip too. “Sorry. A bit steep that last bit,” she apologized. “The handholds seem to have been rubbed smooth.”

“Now, are you all right, Connolly?” asked Doc, as Phylla removed her feet from his midriff. “Can you move?”

“Ooh. Damn right I can move. And even if I can’t, I’m going to, before fat Fal is the next to come tumbling down!”

Chapter 9: A brave new world.

It was a promising landscape. The fields, once overgrown with disgusting alien trash, were now suitably bare. Macroscopically sterile. The more the Expediter thought about it, the more remarkable the synergy between the two species was. The Magh’ and the Overphyle came from vastly different worlds and ecologies, but it was almost as if the Magh’ had been especially created to prepare worlds for the Overphyle. And in the process of farming Magh’, the Overphyle also turned a handsome profit.

There was no denying that Magh’ did a magnificent job of clearing undesirable alien life-forms. As far as the Overphyle knew, they’d only failed once in millennia of conquest. True, in several cases it had been against primitives, hardly worth turning a profit from.

The Magh’ did an equally magnificent job of leveling terrain. When the sea level was raised the Magh’ adobe crumbled. It made for superbly fertile tidal mudflats.

The Expediter knew that she, and all those of the Overphyle who had participated in this venture, expected the spawnlings of their spawnlings to live out pleasant full lives on this world. It would be well stocked with prey from home. There would be plentiful slaves to work in the factories. The Overphyle could live the life for which they were destined. It would be several generations before the Overphyle set out after the Magh’ slowships again. Conquest by Magh’ was a leisurely process.

She regarded the red tunnel-mounds on either side of her with some satisfaction. The Magh’ were doing an excellent job with these “human” vermin. Yes, the scorpiaries were a pleasant sight, indeed.

The closer prospect made her twitch her interambulacral plates. Her optic-supporting processes clattered in annoyance. The near view was not a pleasant sight. Well, hopefully, if all went well, it would be all over soon. But these humans and their vassals-serfs were very trying. Very trying indeed. They would suffer for this.

Chapter 10: Loose Fluff.

The galago is a nocturnal primate. Those huge eyes are well adapted to seeing in the leaf-dappled moonlit forest-margins of Africa. Those beautiful, fragile, erectile ears can hear a woodworm belch at fifty paces. The tiny black hands and long-toed feet are strong, dexterous, and almost adhesive. The long tail is like an extra hand. Agile hunters in the fragile branches of the upper canopy, they are capable of prodigious leaps and silent movement. They also have, weight-for-volume, the loudest voices in the animal kingdom, but this was the one evolutionary advantage Fluff did not use while moving through the dim tunnels of Maggotdom.

He was still terrified. The first time he had hung silent up near the roof of the tunnel while the Magh’ streamed below him, his chattering teeth must have almost betrayed him. At least, by now, he had established that up near the ceiling he was effectively invisible.

Hanging outside the air hole of Virginia’s prison he listened to her tearing material. If only he could get into her prison! He scratched at the hole, but galagos were not much good at digging, and the Magh’ adobe was hard. The best he could do was to stick his long tail through the hole. Virginia would stroke that. But this time she had tied something onto his tail. He pulled it out. It was a long strip torn in a careful concentric circle from her skirt. To the end of that was tied another strip from her blouse. “If you soak these in water and bring them back to me, I can at least suck them.”

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Categories: Eric, Flint