There was the breath of material falling softly to the floor. She leaned over

him, her long rich crimson hair brushing against his nakedness, caressing him

with infinitely soft movements. The touch was enough to arouse him, and she

giggled in his ear, reaching over his shoulder with a long arm, her fingers

rubbing his chest.

“Krysty,” Ryan closed his good eye for a moment, relishing the contact. He

swallowed hard, fighting to control his breathing.


“When did Quint say he couldn’t read?”

“Yesterday. He took me to see that door to the outside. Said there was a whole

mess of fuckin’ wicked mutie dwarfs out there. That’s what he said. They wait.

Been waitin’ for a hundred years. He talked about being the Keeper. Said that

everythin’ he knew, he’d learned from his father, who was Keeper before him.”

The bath was three-quarters full. The woman knelt behind Ryan, her arms around

him, her breasts pressed against his muscular back so that he could feel her

hard nipples. She was holding him with one hand, rubbing slowly up and down

while, with her other hand, she traced the delicate lace of scars across his

shoulders. And all the time her sentient hair was stroking him.

“His father?”

“Yeah, Ryan. Keeper before him. And his father’s father was Keeper before that.”

“But why’s there only three of ’em left? The muties get ’em?”

“Didn’t say. Ryan?”

There was a change in her voice, and he finally turned around to look into her

face, feeling for a split second as if he might drown in the green depths of her


“What, Krysty?”

“Muties, Ryan.”

He nodded. “I’m not goin’ to fuck around, Krysty, and pretend I don’t know what

you mean. I do know.”

She sat back, drawing her long legs up, folding her arms around them, resting

her chin on her knees. Her marvelous hair tumbled across her shoulders, coyly

covering her breasts.

“Now’s the time for this, Ryan. We’ve known each other a short while. We made

love—or we fucked. I thought it was makin’ love. You?”

“Yeah, Krysty. I didn’t think we were fuckin’. I thought we…”

“That’s good. Now, you know I’m a mutie.”

“Not—” But she interrupted him.

“Turn off the tap, or we’ll flood the bastard redoubt in hot water.”

“There. Look, there’s somethin’ funny about your hair. Like it moves some.”

“Some. My mother was Mother Sonja, and the good and bad things about me come

from her. She had the power, Ryan. Real power. Gave some to me—some by birthing

me, some by teaching me.”

“Was she…a mutie?”

“More than me. She could make her hair grow long and lift things with it. I saw

her do it when I was little. She got older and didn’t or couldn’t do it anymore.

My hair moves a little. Mainly when I’m happy or when I’m…” She grinned

suddenly, lifting her face, dazzling him with her beauty. “I guess you noticed

that, Ryan. And my hair hurts when it’s pulled or caught. Or cut.”

“That all?”

The washer on one of the taps in the whirlpool bath had rotted, and the water

dripped steadily. Ryan watched it, conscious that he was beginning to feel cold.

“No. You know that I’ve escaped twice with my wrists tied?”

“And you damn near broke the handle on the main door to the redoubt in the


“Yeah, I did. That’s kind of a mutation. But it’s more what I meant by Mother

Sonja’s teaching me things. She taught me how to do that.”


She looked down again. “It’s a sort of focusing, a concentrating on how I feel.

It’s hard and it tires me some. I call on the Earth Mother, and she comes to

help me.”

“Just how strong are you?” asked Ryan, still naked, standing and moving around

the exercise room, conscious that his erection had vanished and that his penis

now slapped limply against his thigh as he walked.

“I don’t know. I tried all I could on that door. Our lives were in danger. The

effort nearly killed me. I nearly puked my guts up.”

In one corner, stacked on a chrome steel rack, there was a bar and a pile of

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Categories: James Axler