Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

been included in the tirade, since Chalkin seemed to have included every

other shortcoming, mistake and venial sin ever committed by a

dragon rider

Both Telgar and Benden Weyrs made daily checks on the returned, to

reassure them as well as those concerned with their welfare. Of course

the conditions in Bitra, with dragon-high drifts blocking major roads

and tracks, made it improbable that any of Chalkin’s men would have been

able to move, much less go the distance to the far-flung properties.

Benden Hold and Weyr became the latest winter victims as the blizzards

which had hovered over Bitra made their way eastward, coating the

eastern seaboard, even down into the northern section of Nerat which

hadn’t seen any snow since the settlement of the Bendens in the early

decades of the First Pass.

The dragons were the only living creatures who didn’t mind snow, since

their tough hide was impervious to its cold as well as between.

They muchly enjoyed the snow battles that the weyrfolk indulged in, and

then the warmth of sun intensified by the white landscape so they

lounged in reflected be spite the more northerly position, Telgar Weyr

got only a hand span of snow and made do with that. The young were

fascinated by the stuff and by having to crack ice of the lake to bathe.

Bathing a dragon had become a hazard, but T’dam allowed the weyrlings to

suds up a *ago net and allow it to rinse itself off in the frigid water.

But y washings resulted in some distress for the rider.

I’ve chilblains again,’ Debera complained to lantine, showing him her

swollen fingers when he came out to watch her tend Morath.

The little green was a favourite subject of his because, he told Debera,

she has a tremendous range of expression on her face and gets in the

most incredible positions.” Debera was far too besotted with her dragon

to disagree with such an impartial opinion. If she herself figured in

every sketch Jantine did, she did not wonder about it. But the other

green riders did.

You should get some of Tisha’s cream. It stopped my fingers from

itching,’ he snapped his fingers, like that!” Oh, I have some of

that,’ she told him.

Well, it doesn’t do you any good in the jar, you know.” Yes, I know,’

she said, ducking her head, her tone low and apologetic.

Hey, I’m not scolding, he said gently, putting one finger under her

chin and lifting her head. What’d I do wrong?” Oh, nothing,’ she

replied and pushed his finger away, giving him a too-bright smile. I

get silly notions sometimes.

Don’t pay me any mind.

Oh, I don’t,’ he replied so blithely that she gave him a startled look.

Just go on with lathering up that beast of yours He turned to a new

page and removed the pencil from behind his ear. Go on .

lantine’s gone on you, Debera,’ Grasella said, eyeing her barrack mate


lantine? He’s sketch-mad. He’d do his big toe if he had nothing else

to pose for him,’ Debera replied. Besides, he’ll leave soon for Benden

Will you miss him?” Jule asked, a sly look on her face.

Miss him?” Debera echoed, surprised at the question.

I will miss him, Morath said in such a mournful tone that the other

drago nets turned towards her, their eyes whirling in minor distress.

What did she say that’s got them all upset?” Jule demanded.

That she’d miss him. But, love, he’s not Weyrbred,’ Debera told her

dragon, stroking her cheek and then her head-knob.

He can’t stay here indefinitely.” If anyone asked me, I’d say lantine

would like to,’ Sarra put in.

No-one’s asked you,’ Angie replied tartly.

Has he ever done anything I mean, beyond sketching you, Deb?” Jule

asked with an avid glint in her eyes.

No, of course not. Why would he?” responded Debera, and flustered.

That was the trouble with having to aleep with the others.

They could be terribly nosy, even if they weren’t as mean as her

stepmother and sisters had been. She t pry into where they were when

they were late in at I give up on her,’ said Jule, raising her hands

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