Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

he began.

But the culture determined the form of government . – -.

She stared at him, appalled by his lack of comprehension.

If a student is curious enough to want to know more, we shall have it

to give him. But there is no point in forcing hill farmers and plains

drovers to learn something which has absolutely no relevance to their

way of life.

You demean them by saying that.

No, I save them hours of dull study by replacing it with the history of

Pern There is scarcely enough of that to dignify the word “history”

Yesterday is history today, but do you want to repeat it?

“History” is what happened in the life or development of a people . . .

we,’ and he tapped his chest, the Pernese. Also a systematic account

of us,’ he tapped his chest again, with an

analysis and explanation. From… the beginning of the Pern colony . .

. that is history, grand and sweeping, surviving against incredible

odds and an implacable menace, derring-do, ingenuity, courage, and OF

this planet, not of a place that’s only a name. It’s better than our

ancient history – if it’s taught right.

Are you impugning my – Never, Sallisha, which is why I particularly

need your complete cooperation for the new, enriched, relevant

curriculum. On average, your students rank higher in their final

examination papers than any other teacher’s . . . and that includes

the hill-farmers and the plains drovers. But they never again use the

information you imparted. Pern is difficult enough.. . with an

external menace to contend with… Let them be proud of the

accomplishments of their ancestors their most recent ancestors. Not the

confused and tortured mindlessness the Pern colonists left behind.

Furthermore,’ he went on relentlessly as she opened her mouth to speak,

the trials at Telgar and Benden have proved that not enough time is

spent teaching our people their rights under the Charter But I spend

You certainly have never been remiss, but we must emphasize,’ and he

slapped one fist into the other palm, holder rights under their Lord:

how to claim Charter acreage, how to prevent what happened in Bitra No

other Lord Holder is as wicked,’ and her mouth twisted with disgust as

she enunciated the last word, as that awful man. Don’t think you can

get me to teach there now Issony’s left!” She waggled her index finger

at him and her expression was fierce.

Not you, Sallisha, you’re far too valuable to waste on Bitra,’ he said,

soothing her. Bitra would need a more compassionate and flexible

teacher than Sallisha. But I’m amazed at just how many people were

unaware of the Charter Rights. And that’s wrong. Not that I think the

cowed folk up in Bitra would have dared cite the clauses to him… even

if they had known about them. I mean, it was appalling to realize just

how few people who attended the trial KNEW that ordinary holders had the

RIGHT to freedom of movement, and lawful assembly, or to appeal for

mediation for crippling tithes.

Why haven’t the Lord Holders impeached him?” she wanted to know, her

fierceness diverted towards a new victim.

It’s patently obvious he is unfit to manage a Hold, much less one

during a Fall. I cannot see why they have been waffling about over the


Sallisha, it takes a unanimous decision to impeach a Lord Holder,’ he

said with a light admonishment.

She regarded him blankly for a moment. Then flushed.

Who’s holding out?” Jamson.

She clicked her tongue irritably. And that’s another place you mustn’t

send me. The cold would exacerbate my joint problem.

I’m aware of that, Sallisha, which is why I wondered if you’d consider

Nerat South this year?” How much travelling?” she demanded, but not


Six major holds and five smaller units, but all within reasonable

distance. And, of course, your journeys would fall on Threadfree days.

Excellent accommodations and a very good contract. Gardner made sure

that everything complies with your wishes as regards conditions.” He

reached into his jerkin pocket and pulled out the document. I thought

you might like to see it today.

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