Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

Sweetening me up, are you?” she said with an almost coquettish smile,

hand half outstretched to the sheets.

You are my best teacher, Sallisha,’ he told her and extended his hand

until her fingers closed around the contract.

This won’t make me approve your butchery of pre-Pernese history,


It’s not intended to, but we can’t have you in danger on – – the plains

of Keroon – I did promise to come back They will understand.

There are some really fine minds there You will find them wherever you

go, Sallisha, you have the knack.” Then he hauled out the larger sheaf

of papers, the new syllabus. You may find this much easier to impart

to your students.” She eyed it as she would a tunnel snake.

High Reaches and Fort Holds So,’ Paulin asked Thea and Gallian in the

comfortably warm High Reaches solarium where the High Reaches Lady

Holder received her guests, is there any way we can get him to change

his mind?” Thea shrugged. Not by reasoned argument, that’s for

certain. He was indignant that “a Lord Holder’s right to deal with his

own folk” had been set aside for the two trials. Not that he objected

to the sentences “That was only right and just, and they should have

been sent to the Islands as well, for they’ll only make trouble of a

different sort now,”‘ Gallian added, mimicking his father’s thin,

wheezing voice. If he would only give me authorization to deal with

all Hold matters . . . and he raised his hands in helplessness.

He’s too sick . .

Wait a minute. He is sick,’ Paulin interrupted, and your weather here

is only aggravating the respiratory problem, isn’t it?” Thea’s eyes

widened as she jumped to a conclusion.

If he was sent to Ista or Nerat to recuperate, why he’d have to

authorize Gallian – -, she began.

Precisely – – What happens when he recovers and finds out what I did

knowing, as he’s made sure I do, his views on impeachment,’ Gallian

said, and finds out I’ve gone against him? I could very likely lose my

chance of succession.

IT hat not likely, dear. You know how he carries on about your

stupid” younger brothers,’ said Thea reassuringly, laying a hand on her

son’s arm. You just know when to stand up to him. You’ve always had a

flair for dealing with people.

As for the nephews She threw up her hand in despair.

Then her face clouded. I really am worried about these constant chest

infections. Frankly, I don’t think he’s going to last much longer.” She

sighed in regret. He’s been a good spouse..

Can you get your medic to recommend the warmer climate?” Paulin asked


He’s been doing so constantly,’ Thea said, setting her mouth in a firm

line. I’ll make it so. Somehow! 1 couldn’t live with myself if I

didn’t. For his sake as well as those poor wretches.

Gallian looked uncertain.

Don’t worry, lad,’ said Paulin. You’ve already got full marks in my

book for cooperation. And, as long as I’m Chair, you’ve my support. The

Conclave doesn’t necessarily have to abide by the deceased’s wishes as

to successor. But we’ve got to take action now.

Even waiting until Turn’s End is dangerous. We rescued those people,

their rights were upheld in a duly assembled court, and Chalkin’s in

some state of mind over that.” Paulin’s laugh was mirthless. We can’t

let him take his vengeance out on them, or we’ve spent a lot of time and

effort to no avail. With this thaw setting in, he’ll be able to move

about. And I think we all have a good idea that he’ll retaliate in some


Thea shuddered, her comfortably plump body rippling under her thick

gown. I won’t have that on my conscience, no matter what my Lord

Jamson says.” She rose. Jamson spent such a poor night, I’ll catch him

now, before he can put up any more objections. One thing’s certain, he

doesn’t want to die. He likes Richud more than Franco.

I’ll suggest Ista Hold. I wouldn’t mind the winter there myself. In

fact .

and suddenly, she straightened her shoulders, I think I’m gomig dowd

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