Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

Bridgely, moving to the edge of his chair which also reacted noisily to

the weight shift. Like this chair. You can interview any of those

we’ve taken in… and the sooner the better, so you can judge the

condition they were in before we rescued them.” I think I’d better have

an eyes-on at that, Azury told him.

He raised one hand quickly. Not that I doubt you, but impeaching

another Lord Holder. . . Nervous-making.

That’s as may be, but having a Hold that is totally unprepared for the

onslaught of Thread – one that’s adjacent to me,’ and Bridgely jabbed a

thumb in his chest, is far more nervous-making.” You’ve a point

there,’ Azury admitted. He looked over his shoulder and beckoned one of

the attendants, asking him to bring his riding gear. You said that

Jamson’s reluctant?

Doesn’t impeachment require a unanimous verdict?” It does,’ Bridgely

agreed, and set his lips in an implacable line.

Azury grinned, thanking the attendant who had quickly returned with his

gear. Then you also need me to add weight to a second delegation to

High Reaches?” If you feel you can turn Jamson’s opinion?” Azury

stamped into his boots. That one’s just perverse enough to hold out,

but we’ll see. Tashvi, Bastom and Franco are involved, and I know

Paulin is agitated . . . Who does that leave?

Richud of Ista? Well, he will go along with a majority.” He rose.

Now, let’s leave before I swim in my own sweat – Azury interviewed each

of the fourteen refugees still housed in Benden Weyr as unfit to be

transferred elsewhere. He then had a chat with three of the guards.

Not that they were in a chatting mood, he said, his light blue eyes

vivid with anger in his tanned face, but they may soon have second

thoughts on how much their loyalty is worth to Lord Chalkin.

They do claim,’ and, as he grinned, his teeth were very white against

his skin, that they were outnumbered by the influx of so many ranting,

raving maniacs and had to use force to restrain them until they could

receive orders from the Hold.

That conflicts with what the ranting, raving maniacs say, doesn’t it?”

M’shall replied.

Oh, indeed,’ Azury agreed, grinning without humour. And I do wonder

that the guards came out of the ranting and raving mass unscathed while

all of the maniacs seem to have a variety of injuries.

Clearly the truth is being pulled in many directions.

But it lies there, limpid as usual, to the eye that sees and the ear

that hears.” Well said,’ Bridgely nodded.

So let’s speak with Richud.” It was harder to find the Lord Holder of

Ista because he had taken the afternoon off to fish – his favourite


The harbour master was unable to give any specific direction for a


The dolphins went with him circle your dragon, and see can he spot

them? Small sloop with a red sail but a lot of dolphins. Richud claims

they understand him. He may be right,’ and the elderly man scratched

his head, gflnning with amusement at the notion.

They do – according to the records, Azury said. My fishers always

watch out for them in the Currents.

Wal, as you wish,’ the Harbourmaster said and went back to his tedious

accounting of creel weights lifted ashore the previous seven days.

Craigath flew his passengers in a high-altitude circle, spiralling

outwards from Ista Harbour. It was he who spotted the craft and, with

mighty use of his pinions, dived for it.

Despite the broad safety band securing him to his position, Azury

grabbed frantically at Bridgely who was sitting in front of him and

Bridgely worried lest his own grip bruise the dragon rider

M’shall merely turned his head to grin back at them. The words he spoke

– for his mouth moved – were lost in the speed of their descent.

Bridgely watched the sea coming nearer and nearer and arched himself

slightly backwards.

He’d ridden often enough not to be alarmed by dragon antics, but never

at such an angle or speed. He tightened his hold on his safety straps

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