Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

eyes bright with anticipation.

If you’re willing . . . Paulin said.

I am, too,’ lantine added.

I rather thought you might be,’ said Paulin, and then rapidly issued

the details of the plan.

With the exception of S’nan, all the Weyrleaders were involved and even

young Gallian was persuaded to come.

I might as well be hanged for the sheep as the lamb,’ he said with a

fatalistic shrug.

You’ll not suffer from this day’s work, Gallian,’ Bastom assured him.

It’s a unanimous decision and our presence there will make that plain

to Chalkin. He has no allies among us,’ the Tillek Lord said, with a

reproving glance at S’nan who sat with face set in such a mournful

expression that Bastom was nearly sorry for the punctilious Weyrleader.

So we are agreed, Lords, Ladies and Leaders?” Paulin said when he was

sure everyone had grasped their roles in the deposition. Then let us

refresh ourselves and rest until it’s time to depart.

Bitra Hold and Telgar Weyr Except for the fact that the watchwher did

not succumb to the choice bits of meat brought to lure it from its duty

and M’shall had to have Craigath speak sharply to it, entry was


Whoever should have heard the watchwher’s one bellow did not.

Issony had no trouble entering by the unlocked window and opening the

kitchen door to that contingent. Those who were assigned to watch the

various other exits from the Hold were by then in place. lantine sped

through the kitchen and up into the main reception rooms where he opened

the front entrance and the rest of the group entered.

Meanwhile, Issony had found the hidden door in the kitchen. Although

the stairway was lit by dying glows, there was enough illumination for

Paulin and the arresting’ Lords, Ladies and Leaders.

Paulin opened the access door at the top and entered Chalkin’s private

apartments first. Behind him came eight Lords and Ladies Holder and

M’shall, who insisted on representing the Weyrs. To their surprise, the

room was brightly lit, glows shining from wall sconces so that the

sleeping figures in the massive fur-covered bed were quite visible. All

three of them . . . Chalkin’s portly frame bulked the largest under

the sleeping furs, though hi head was covered by a fold of the fine

white bedsheet.

One of the girls woke first. She opened her mouth to scream, but did

not when she saw Paulin’s abrupt gesture fir silence. Instead, she

slithered across the mattress, sheet held up to her chin, to the edge of

the bed and grabbed a discarded dress from the pile on the floor.

Paulin indicated that she could clothe herself. As smoothly as she

moved, or perhaps because she had the sheet up to her chin and let in

cold air, the other girl was awakened. She did scream.

As loud as a green in season,’ M’shall said later chuckling at the

memory. At that, Chalkin didn’t rouse.

His guards had been alerted though and charged into the room, to be

flabbergasted by the sight of so many armed folk in Chalkin’s most

private apartment.

Chalkin has been impeached for failure to prepare this Hold for

Threadfall, for abuse of his privilege as Lord Holder and for denying

his holders their Charter-given rights,’ Paulin said in a loud voice,

sword drawn. Unless you wish to join him in his exile, put up your


To a man, they did just that as the reinforcements, led by lantine,

burst in from the hall. That was what finally roused Chalkin from a

drunken sleep.

Later Paulin remarked that he’d been disappointed at such an

anti-climactic outcome of their dawn invasion.

S’nan will be reassured,’ K’vin said. I think he was certain we

intended to humiliate Chalkin.” We have,’ Tashvi said with a chuckle.

Lady Nadona, though she took a strong case of hysterics Irene took some

pleasure in applying the slaps that cut her histrionics short decided

that she could not leave her darling children to the mercies o0f

unfeeling men and women, and would sacrifice herself to remain behind

while Chalkin went into exile. She was exceedingly well acquainted with

her own rights as granted by the Charter, down to the Clause and

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