Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

and argued himself out of closing his cowardly eyes. Just as it seemed

as if Craigath would impale himself on the mast of the sloop which

wasn’t all that small to Bridgely’s mind – the bronze went into hover,

startling the two crew who were watching Richud struggle with a pole

bent almost double by his efforts to land the fish he’d hooked.

Any time you’re free, Lord Richud,’ shouted M’shall between his cupped


Richud glanced once over his shoulder, then again, and lost control of

pole and fish – the reel spinning wildly as pressure ended.

Don’t creep up on me like that! Lookit what you made me do!

Fraggit! Can’t I ever get an afternoon off? Oh well, what

catastrophe’s hit us now? Must be something bad to bring the three of

you this far south.

He handed his pole to a crewman and came to the starboard side.

There was still some distance between him and his visitors.

I’d ask you aboard, but the bronze would sink us,’ he said.

No problem, M’shall said and his eyes unfocused as he spoke to his

dragon. Can you get us a little closer, Craigath?

Craigath, eyes gleaming bluely and whirling with some speed, set himself

down in the water, wings neatly furled to his backbone while with his

left forearm he took hold of the safety rail, pulling himself and his

passengers closer to the hull of the ship. The sloop began to heel over

at the strength of the dragon’s hold.

The wind left the sail and the boom started to whip round when, just as

abruptly, the sail caught wind again and the ship resumed her forward

motion and speed.

M’shall laughed, thumping Craigath on the neck in appreciation of the

completed manoeuvre.

What’d he do? How’d he do that? What under the sun?” Richud was

looking at the dragon, back at the ship, and then at M’shall in


He’s paddling to keep up so you won’t lose headway,’ the Benden

Wayrleader explained.

This is ftn. I like it, Craigath informed his rider.

He’s enjoying himself,’ said M’shall.

He won’t snap the rail, will he?” Richud asked, staring with some

apprehension at the huge forepaw clutching the metal upright.

The dragon shook his head. It is fragile so I don t hold it hard.

M’shall paused a moment. Good lad. He says he’s well aware of its


He didn’t say that,’ Richud replied, shaking his head in denial.

Fragility?” His very word. Craigath’s got quite a vocabulary. You

know how Irene speaks – – – well, he has to keep up with Maruth, doesn’t

he?” The dragon nodded.

Well, I never. Never seen Ronelth or Jemath swim like this either,’

Richud murmured. So, what urgent matter brings you here?” Chalkin

must be impeached as soon as possible. A Hold is autonomous until it

exceeds its rights,’ Bridgely said, and went on to give the Istan Lord

Holder details of Chalkin’s heinous behavior.

I’d no idea he’d evict so many. Surely it’s winter up there and they’d

be in danger of freezing?” They would be and have been,’ M’shall said.

Their condition was appalling, Richud,’ Azury told him. I went to

Benden myself to see. And the guards . . – He dismissed them with a

wide gesture. You know the sort Chalkin hires . Yes, tough necks

layabouts, ruffians and scoundrels like those Gather artists of his.”

Richud paused in thought. Has that impeachment clause ever been used?”

No, but it was put there as a safeguard. And there are a lot of people

in Bitra who need their safety guarded .

especially this close to Fall.

Agreed. I’ll go along with you. Only,’ and his tone turned

entreating, not when I have an afternoon off to fish?” Craigath let go

of the rail and the two groups drifted apart.

Suddenly the bronze shuddered from pate to tail.

I like that. Do it again.

Who are you talking to, Craigath? M’shall demanded, having had to

clutch the neck ridge and lift his legs high above sudden waves sloshing

Craigath’s sides. His passengers had reacted as well to keep from a


Doll fins rubbed me.

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