Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

Playffit, are they? Welt, another time, my friend. We still have work

to do. Sorry about that. The dolphins were tickling Craigath.

Dragons are ticklish?” Bridgely asked, startled.

Their bellies, yes.

Dolphins flowed from under the dragon now, leaping up in the air and

diving neatly back into the water as they sped off after the sloop.

So what do we do now? Beard Jamson again?” asked M’shall, stroking the

bronze’s neck affectionately. He was amused to see that Richud had

retrieved his pole and was evidently baiting his hook.

We’d probably have to drag Jamson down to Benden so he can see for

himself, as you had to, Azury,’ Bridgely said, shivering as he thought

of having to return to the frigid High Reaches.

Take the pictures, suggested Craigath, to his rider’s astonishment.

Dragons did not often offer unsolicited opinions, but then M’shall

considered Craigath very intelligent.

What pictures?” he asked.

Pictures?” echoed Bridgely. What pictures?” Maruth says there are

pictures. At Telgar.

At Telgar?” Oh, that young painter,’ M’shall and Bridgely said in


What painter?” Azury wanted to know.

Bridgely explained.

Very good idea, if Jamson will accept the proof as genuine, the

Southern Boll Holder said, sceptic ally

Which was exactly what happened.

How can you be sure these are accurate?” asked the High Reaches Lord

Holder when he had leafed through the vivid and detailed drawings on

lantine’s pad. I think the whole matter has been exaggerated out of

all proportion.” He closed the pad halfway on the stark sketch of the

hanging men.

And you won’t even accept my word, Jamson?” Azury said.

I’ve just been there and spoken to these people…” He riffled through

the pages and came to one of a holder he’d interviewed. That fellow,

for instance. I spoke to him myself, and I’ve no trouble accepting the

truth of his story. He was four nights in an animal pen with no food

and only the moisture he could get from snow, with his wife and elderly


Incidentally, they died of exposure despite all that Benden Weyr could

do to try to revive them.” I do not see why, Azury,’ Jamson said at his

most pompous, you do not content yourself with running your own Hold.

Leave Chalkin to run his. He has the right.” But not the right to

inflict atrocities on any of his people.

Azury’s reply was heated.

Jamson regarded him coldly. A few lazy holders . .

A FEW?” Bridgely exploded in frustration which, even as he did so, he

knew defeated his purpose. A few hundred is more like it, Jamson. And

for that many we should all stir ourselves!” Well, I for one shall not,

Bridgely. And that’s final.” He folded his arms across his chest and

sat there, glaring at his visitors.

Jamson,’ Azury said in a very controlled, calm voice as he pushed

Bridgely to one side and leaned across the desk towards Jamson huddled

in his furs. I, too, was sceptical when Bridgely came to me, unwilling

to believe his report, much less his solution to the problem.

One does not lightly impugn the honour of a peer. and I could not

understand why Bridgely was so agitated over a few insignificant

holders. Then, too, Bitra is too far to affect anything in my Hold.

Though I quite took his point that Thread must not be allowed to burrow

unchecked anywhere on the northern continent. So I conceived that it

was my duty, my responsibility, to personally investigate the


I have the witness of my own eyes and ears now. As well as the

disparity between what the guards told me and the evidence of my own

eyes. The Bitran situation is dire and must be rectified. We cannot,

as intelligent, responsible leaders, allow such a situation to fester

and spread. It affects the very roots of our society, the strength of

the Charter, the fundamentals on which this whole society is based. We

cannot ignore it as the internal problem of an autonomous Holding.

You as an honourable Lord Holder owe it to yourself to investigate the

situation. Then you can come to a considered judgment. At least, set

your own doubts to rest by going, as I did, to Benden and gather

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