Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

first-hand information.” I have no doubts,’ Jamson said. The Charter

clearly states that a Lord Holder has autonomy within his borders.

What he does is his business, and that’s that. I should certainly

protest against anyone poking his nose in my business. So I suggest you

take your meddling noses and spurious charges out of here, right now!”

This time he rang a hand bell and, when his oldest son opened the door in

response, he said, They’re leaving. See them out.” Bridgely took in a

deep breath, but a sudden short blow to his midriff by Azury robbed him

of wind to speak and he was Ihelpless as the Southern Boll Holder

dragged him out of the room.

No matter what you said, he’s not in a mood to listen,’ Azury told him,

straightening Bridgely’s jacket in a tacit apology.

Lord Azury’s right, I’m afraid,’ M’shall agreed.

You came about Bitra?” the son asked, leaning against the heavy office

door to be sure it was tightly closed. I’m Gallian, his eldest and

acting steward.

You’ve heard?” Hmmm, the door was a bit ajar,’ said Gallian, not at

all penitent about eavesdropping, and during your last visit too.

Father’s memory’s slipping a bit, so one of us tries to be nearby for

important visits. He sometimes gets details muddled.” Any chance you

can un muddle this visit to get his cooperation?” May I see the

sketches?” He held out one hand.

Certainly,’ Bridgely said and put the pad in his hand.

Awful,’ Gallian said, shaking his head as he viewed the distressing

scenes and peering briefly with intent gaze at one or two.

And these are accurate?” he asked Azury.

Yes, inasmuch as I verified the condition of some of these people now

at Benden Weyr,’ Azury replied.

The bell jangled. Gallian thrust the pad at Azury.

I’ll do what I can. And not because I already consider Chalkin a thief

and a cheat. I must go. See yourselves out, can you?” We can and


What could the boy do?” M’shall wanted to know as they ran quickly down

the steps to the front door and out into the icy air.

One can never tell,’ Azury admitted. Shards, but it’s colder than

between here. Get me back to my sun as fast as possible.

Would a stop at Fort Hold be too much to expect from you?” asked

Bridgely, grinning at the southerner’s chattering teeth.

No, and I expect it’s a tactical necessity in this struggle with


M’shall nodded approvingly and, vaulting to Craigath’s back, lent a hand

to the other two to mount.

The ambient temperature at Fort Hold was not warm but a decided

improvement over High Reaches. Warmer still was the greeting Paulin

gave them, insisting on a hot mulled wine when he heard of their


I don’t expect Jamson will change his mind, especially now he has been

specifically asked to do so,’ Paulin said when his guests were settled

near the good fire he had on his office hearth. Jamson’s always been

perverse.” Then the son is unlikely to be able to alter him?” Bridgely

suggested humour. K’vin knew that Zulaya found it amusing to sit for a

portrait at all, and was twitting him about what he should wear to be

immortalized. K’vin also knew about lantine’s project to do miniatures

of all the riders. Ambitious, considering there were close to six

hundred in the Weyr at the moment. On the one hand, K’vin was grateful

these would be the gallery, while on the other hand, he dreaded those

who would become casualties.

Will it make it any easier not to have pictures?” Zulaya had asked the

other night when she had required him to tell her why he was so

preoccupied. We have nothing to remind us of the first occupants of

this Weyr. I think I would have liked that. Gives a continuity to life

and living.

K’vin had supposed it did, and decided that he had to have a more

positive attitude.

It’s not as if we knew who will not be here this time next year, she

added. But it’d be nice to know that they were here.” How much

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