Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

longer, Iantine?” Zulaya asked plaintively. The fingers of the hand she

had resting on her thigh twitched. I can’t feel my feet or my left hand

any more.

lantine gave an exaggerated sigh and laid down the palette, scratching

his head with the now free hand as he swished the fine brush in the jar

on the table. Sony, Zulaya. You should by rights have had a break

some time ago. But the light’s perfect and I didn’t want to stop.

Oh, help me up, K’vin,’ Zulaya said, holding out a hand.

I don’t usually get a chance to sit still so long – K’vin was glad to

assist her and she was stiff enough so that her first steps were

awkward. Then she recovered her mobility and walked firmly to the


My word, you did do yards today, didn’t you? Filled in that whole

panel of the dress and . . – have you got my eyes crossed?” Ian tine

laughed. No, step a little to this side. Now back again. Do the eyes

seem to follow you?” Zulaya gave a little shake, widening her eyes.

They do.

How do you contrive that? I must say, I’m not so sure I like me

watching everything I do. K’vin chuckled. You won’t, but your

presence hanging in the Lower Cavern may spur the lazy to complete their

tasks more quickly.

I’m not sure I like that idea any more than having me leering at me up

here.” She turned to the table, mostly covered by lantine’s

paraphernalia. I had klah sent up not too long ago,’ and she cast an

accusing eye on lantine. It should still be hot.” She unscrewed the

lid and steam obediently rose. It is. Shall I pour for all of us?”

Which she was doing even as she spoke.

Maybe I should leave now?” lantine suggested, looking from one to the


No,’ she said quickly.

I wanted to be sure your sketches were safely in your possession,’ said

K’vin, taking a chair.

And, did they solve the problem?” Zulaya asked, spooning sweetener in

the cups and passing him his. Come, sit, lantine.

You must be more tired than I am. I’ve been sitting the whole time.” 6

lantine grinned as if – K’vin noted with a twinge of jealousy totally at

his ease with the Weyrwoman. Few were, except Tisha who treated

everyone like an errant child or Leopol who was impudent with everyone.

So? What’s the result?” She indicated with a wave of her hand that he

should speak out in the portraitist’s presence.

M’shall’s disgusted. They still don’t have a unanimous decision about

impeachment. Jamson’s the hold-out.” He’s not always dealing with a

full deck,’ Zulaya said succinctly, at least so Mari of High Reaches

Weyr told me.

And he’s getting worse. Thea takes charge when she can, and that older

lad of his . . -.

Gallian’s my age,’ K’vin exclaimed. Can’t they get around that?”

Short of making Jamson abdicate, no. At least according to my

understanding of the Charter. And it just got refreshed.” She gave

K’vin a droll smile. As well I listened in to what T’lan was reading.

I’d forgotten the half of it myself. Have you reread it recently?”

The Trials at Telgar and Ben den Weyrs

As it happened, a blizzard covered most of the eastern mountain ranges

and all of Bitra when the trial was convened. The winds were too fierce

over Bitra for even a dragon to penetrate. The storm had not yet

reached Benden so they, and representatives from every Weyr and Hold,

were present: with the exception of Lord Jamson of the High Reaches who

was very ill of a respiratory fever.

The Lady Holder Thea came, annoyed that Jamson had a legitimate excuse

for his absence and had sent Gallian in his place.

It might have done that stubborn streak of his some good to hear just

how that Chalkin conducts his Hold. Oh, he’d’ve spouted on about

autonomy but he most certainly is against any harm coming to unborn

children.” Thea gave Zulaya a significant nod, reminding those around

her that she had borne fourteen children to Lord Jamson in the course of

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne