Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

I’m sure. That young man’s got himself more work than he can handle.”

If he can get it all done before . . oh, the jury’s back.” The twelve

men and women, picked at random by straw from those who had come to

observe, had listened to all the evidence. Tashvi, Bridgely and Franco

had sat as judges. Now a silence descended over the room, so intense

that a cough was quickly muffled.

The three rapists were accounted guilty as charged and three more were

sentenced as accessories, since they had helped pin the victims down.

The penalty for the rape of a pregnant woman was castration, which was

to be carried out immediately. The others were to receive forty lashes,

well laid on by Telgar’s large and strong stewards.

They were lucky there isn’t Fall,’ Zulaya remarked to Irene, Lady Thea

and K’vin. Otherwise they could also have been tied out during the

next Fall.

Despite herself, Thea gave a shudder. Which is probably why there are

so few cases of rape recorded in our Hold’s annals.” Small wonder,’

K’vin said, crossing his legs again. Zulaya had noticed his defensive

position and her lips twitched briefly. He turned away. His Weyrmate

had nearly cheered -aloud when the verdict was dive red

You can’t do that to me,’ one of the guards was roaring now as he

belatedly realized the significance of the verdict.

He had been the leader of the men stationed at the eastern border

crossing. The other defendants were too stunned, their mouths moving in

soundless protest, Morinst being loud enough to drown out any complaint

they could voice. You’re none of you my Lord,’ he’d railed at three

Lord Holder iudges. You’ve got no right to do this.” And you had no

right to rape a pregnant woman!” But Chalkin ain’t even here.” The man

writhed in the grip of his guards.

Chalkin’s presence would have had no effect on the trial )r the

verdict,’ said Tashvi, at his most repressive.

But he should’ve been here!” Morinst protested.

He was invited to attend,’ Tashvi said without regret.

He’s gotta know. You can’t do nuthin’ without him knowing. I gotta

contract with him.

To rape, torture and humiliate?” Bridgely asked in too soft a voice.

Morinst clamped his lips shut. He struggled more violently as the

bailiffs aimed him towards the exit . . . And his punishment. Not

that he could escape either the sentence or the Weyr. The other two

were still too stunned to resist their removal to the infirmary where

the verdict would be carried out. Those to be lashed were brought

outside, though not all the audience followed to witness the corporal


When that, too, had been completed and the men removed to have their

wounds treated, the observers filed back into the Lower Cavern.

While this was scarcely an occasion for celebration, except that justice

had been served, a substantial meal had been prepared. Wine was the

first item sought and served.

You were superb, M’shall, said Irene when her Weyrmate joined her, a

newly opened skin of Benden wine on his shoulder, and do please give me

a glass. Though I’m sure you need one more than I. Nice of Bridgely to

supply it,’ she added to Zulaya.

I think we all need it,’ the Telgar Weyrwoman said, glancing over to

where the three plaintiffs were celebrating with considerable

enthusiasm. Well, let them. Now what do we do’?” Well, we’ve the

second trial to get through. I hope it goes as well,’ M’shall said.

NO, with them,’ and his Weyrmate pointed to the three women.

Oh. That them. They say they just want to go back to their homes. Not

going to let Chalkin take it because they’re not there holding their

places.” He made a grimace. Some of them don’t really have much to go

back to. Chalkin’s bullies burned what was flammable and pulled down

what they could. I’d say the storms kept more damage from being done.

But,’ and he altered the grimace to a grin, give em credit. They do

own what they hold, and now they know it. It may give them a tad more

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