Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

backbone next time they’re chivvied and more pride in what they do.

They’ve also asked for ground-crew training.” Nothing like losing

something – however briefly – to make you value what you have,’ Thea

said. On the practical side, though, I think High Reaches can supply

some basic items.

Anyone organizing that?” She glanced about at others in the group.

D’you have numbers yet?” Actually we do,’ Zulaya said, including Irene

in her nod.

Three hundred and forty-two – no, forty-three with that premature baby.

It’s very good of you to offer, Thea.” Thea snorted. I’ve reread the

Charter, too, and know my duty to my fellow creatures. You wouldn’t

also happen to know how many poor wretches hold in Bitra?” M’shall had

that answer. Of course, you can’t tell if Chalkin doctored the last

census or not, but he’s supposed to have 24,657 inhabitants.” Really?”

Ziilaya was surprised.

But then, Bitra’s one of the smaller holds and doesn’t have any

indigenous industry – apart from some forestry. The 5 down to what’s

needed locally. There’re a few looms , but no great competition for

Keroon or Benden.

And the gaming,’ Thea added with a disgusted sniff.

That’s Chalkin’s main industry.” Well, he’s lost a lot on this

gamble,’ Zulaya said.

Has he?” K’vin wanted to know.

ie second trial was almost anticlimactic. Gardner again :nted the seven

defendants accused of allegedly causgrievous bodily harm and death’ to

five innocent men and While Gardner again stipulated that the men had

only been ing orders to restrain by any means’ anyone trying to s the

border out of Bitra Hold, their putative domicile, it claimed that

unnecessarily severe restraint had been used caused the deaths of

persons who should not have been ied lawful’ exit, this being a

usurpation of their basic “tered Right to freedom of movement.

The subsequent mutilation and/ or torture of the seven, the prosecution

said, was not inherent in the order to restrain by any means’. Chalkin

had no right to take the lives of any holders without due cause and/ or

trial by jury.

The day’s jury retired and, within half an hour, unanimously rendered a

verdict of guilty. The men were sentenced to be transported by

dragon back to the eastern islands with a seven-day supply of food, which

was the customary punishment for murderers.

Are there many on the islands?” Thea asked. I mean, there have been

others sequestered there. Even families, I read, but that was years

ago.” Zulaya shrugged. Telgar’s never had to take anyone there, so I

wouldn’t know.

Benden hasn’t, Irene said, at least not as long as we’ve been Leaders.

My father sent two,’ Paulin said. And I do believe that both Ista and

Nerat have sent killers there.” Chalkin did, too,’ Gallian surprised

them by saying. About four years ago. I don’t know where I heard

about them. Some sort of real trouble down in his Hold, and he had Ista

transport them since the men originated from that Hold.

Oh, I remember now,’ Irene said. M’shall only mentioned he was glad he

hadn’t had to do the transport.

Maybe we should send Chalkin’s men there when they can travel,’ Zulaya


No, let him see that we won’t tolerate his methods of Holding,’ Irene

said, her tone implacable. Maybe he’ll come to his senses.

That’ll be the day!” Zulaya said facetiously.

When snow had melted sufficiently to allow any travel out of Bitra,

Chalkin did send another blistering note of protest to Paulin, making it

plain that he intended to demand compensation at the Turn’s End Conclave

for the ritual disfigurement of men only doing their duty’. This time,

however, an elderly green rider collected the message when the urgent

banner was seen flying from the panel heights of Bitra Hold. F’tol

endured a long harangue from Chalkin that letter had better be

delivered, that dragon riders were parasites on the face of Pern, that

there’d be some changes made or . . . F’tol was neither intimidated

nor impressed.

Stoically he took the letter and responsibly delivered it.

Whether Chalkin knew, or cared, that the refugees had been returned to

their holdings was not known. F’tol was reasonably sure that would have

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