Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

sketch and showed it to the trader.

lantine here did this of me. and he has one of you . . . On cue,

lantine offered his sketch pad, open to the montage.

Only lantine’s used up his pad and, like me, hasn’t a sliver to spend.

Master Jo! reached for the pad, his manner altering instantly to a

trader’s critical appraisal. But he had only cast an eye over the

sketch when he paused, peering more closely at the at’tist.

lantine, you said?” And when both Debera and lantine nodded, his smile

quirked the line of his generous mouth. I place the name now.

You’re the lad who managed to escape unscathed from Chalkin’s clutches.”

Jo! offered his free hand to lantine. Well done, lad!

I’d had wind of your adventure.

He winked, his expression approving. But then we traders hear

everything and learn to sift the fine thread of truth from the chaff of


Then he turned back to the sketch, examining it carefully, nodding his

head as his eyes went from one panel to the next.

He gave an amused sniff as he took a longer look at himself, pencil

cocked behind his ear.

You’ve got me to the life, pencil and all, and he touched the tool to

be sure it was in place. May I?” he asked courteously, indicating a

desire to look at the other pages.

Certainly,’ said lantine, making a polite bow. He could have kicked

himself when he swayed a bit on his feet.

Here now, lad, I know you’re not long recovered from your ordeal,’ Jo!

said, quickly supporting him. Let’s just take a seat so I can have a

good look at everything this pad seems to have on offer.

Ignoring lantine’s protests, Jo! led him to the table he had just left

and pushed him onto a stool. Debera and Morath followed, Debera looking

very pleased with this consideration.

And Jo! went through the pad as thoroughly as Master Domaize would have

done, making comments about those Weyr folk he knew, smiling and nodding

a good deal. He also knew when lantine had left a pose unfinished.

Now, what is it you require, Artist lantine?” More paper, mainly,’

lantine said in a tentative tone.

Jo! nodded. I believe I do have a pad of this quality paper, but

smaller. I bring some in for Waine from time to time. I can, of

course, get larger sheets . .

It’s not as if I’ll be staying around the Weyr until your next round

Master Jo! dismissed that consideration. I’ve stores at Telgar Hold

and can forward what you need in a day or two.” He gave lantine a

thoughtful glance. You’ll not be leaving here all that soon, I’d say.”

He took the pencil from behind his ear with one hand and the pad from

its pouch at his belt with the other. Now, what exactly are your

requirements, Artist lantine?” Ah He wants to make sketches of every

rider and dragon in the Weyr,’ said Leopol, who had eased himself

unnoticed close enough to hear what was being said.

So you’ve many commissions already, have you?” Master Jo! asked

approvingly, pencil poised over the fresh leaf of his pad.

Well, no, not exactly, you see,’ lantine stammered.

You’ve three I know of,’ said Leopol. P’tero for M’leng And the

Weyrleaders .

lantine almost bit Leopol’s nose off. The Weyrleaders’re different. I

will do them in oils, but the sketches are to thank those in the Weyr

who’ve been so kind to me.

Doing portraits of an entire Weyr is quite an undertaking, and Master

Jo! scribbled a line. You’ll need a good deal of paper and plenty of

pencils. Or would you prefer ink? I stock a very good quality.

Guaranteed not to fade or blot.” He looked at lantine expectantly.

But I’ve only this sketch to trade with you,’ lantine said.

Lad, you’ve credit with Jo! Liliencamp Traders,’ Jo! told him gently,

touching his pencil to lantine’s shoulder and giving it a little push.

I’m not Chalkin, mind you. Not any way, shape or form.” And he gave a

burst of such infectious laughter that lantine grinned in spite of

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