Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

notion of Holding.

How many are involved?” Paulin’s sense of alarm increased.

M’shall ruffled thick greying hair that had been pressed down by his

helmet. L’sur says there must be well over a hundred at the main

border crossing into Benden with women, children and elder lies There

are as many or more at other border points and no shelter at any, bar

what the guards are using. The refugees have all been herded into a

makeshift pen. What’s more atrocious, L’sur saw several bodies hung up

by the feet which seemed to have been used as target practice. Benden

Weyr cannot ignore such barbarity, Paulin.

No, it can’t, nor can Fort Hold!” Paulin was on his feet and pacing.

If that’s what he calls Hold management, he has to be removed.” My

thinking, too,’ M’shall agreed, running agitated hands through his hair

again. Another night like last and those people’!!

be dead of exposure and starvation. Bridgely concurs with me that

something has to be done, now, today. And it’s getting towards a cold

night now, there. I’ve come to you for Council authority since Bridgely

says we’d better do this as properly as possible He paused, bitter.

Such a situation is not supposed to happen. Those people aren’t

defying him.

They’re just scared to death and desperate for security .

which obviously they don’t expect to find in Bitra.” He hitched himself

forward in the chair. Thing is, Paulin, if we hand out supplies,

what’s to keep the border guards from just collecting them the moment we

take off? So, I think I’ll have to leave a couple of riders as

protection . . which’!! give Chalk in a chance to cry “Weyr

Interference” Paulin felt nauseous. That sort of thing was straight out

of the ancient bloody history the settlers had deliberately left behind:

evolving a code of ethics and conduct that would make such events

improbable! This planet was settled with the idea that there was room

enough for everyone willing to work the land that was his or hers by

Charter-given birthright.

There’s no interference if your riders stay on your side of the border.

Besides which, Bitra Hold looks to Benden Weyr for protection . .

Thread protection,’ M’shall corrected.

In a matter of speaking,’ and Paulin’s smile was grim, this is partly

Thread protection. They’re looking for what they should have had from

their Lord Holder, and who else should they turn to but the Weyr? No,’

and he brought one fist down sharply on the desk. You’re within your

rights – – if you’ve riders willing to volunteer for such duty.”

L’sur’s stayed on, or so his dragon told Craigath.

But no firestone,’ and Paulin held up a stern finger, much as some

might like to show force.

Oh, I’ve made myself clear on that point, I assure you, and M’shall

gave a bitter twist to his lips. And we haven’t had any training at

Benden recently, so there’s not a whisper of flame in any of the

dragons. As for disciplining the guards, a short hop and a long drop

between would be my preference … but. . . and he held up both his

hands to assure Paulin of self-restraint.

At that point, Mattew returned with a tray, steaming cups of klah and

soup and a basket of hot breads which he deposited on the table and


M’shall didn’t wait for Paulin’s invitation but grabbed up the soup and

blew on its surface, sipping as soon as he dared.

That hits the spot and if you’ve a cauldron of it, I’ll take it back

with me.” He grinned, licking his lips. It’s certainly hot enough to

survive a jump between.” You may have it, cauldron and all.

L’sur has stayed on, you say? How about riders at other crossing

points?” Paulin asked, stirring sweetener into his klah. M’shall


Good. Their presence ought to inhibit any further violence.” But that

presence was only a deterrent, not assistance. He would like to do more

than send soup but his position at this point, even as Council Chair,

might be compromised. At least the Weyr has a right to take action,

and so does Bridgely,’ he added thoughtfully. He thumped his fist

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