Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part four


M’leng was a handsome young man, with almond-shaped green eyes in an

angular face. The light breeze in the Bowl ruffled tight dark brown

curls on his head.

Since I owe P’tero my life, let me make a larger sketch for you Oh,

would you?” And a smile animated M’leng’s rather solemn face.

Can we settle a price? I’ve marks enough to do better than Chalkin did

you!” He reached for his belt pouch.

lantine tried to demur, pleading he owed P’tero.

Tero was only doing his duty for once,’ M’leng said with a touch of

asperity. But I really would like a proper portrait of him. You know,

what with Threadfall coming and all, I’d want to have something…”

M’leng broke off, swallowed, and then reinforced his pleading.

I’ve to do a commission for the Weyrleaders . . . lantine said.

Is that the only one?” M’leng seemed surprised. I’d’ve thought

everyone in the Weyr would be after you lantine grinned. Tisha hasn’t

released me from her care yet.

Oh, her,’ and M’leng dismissed the head woman with a wave of his hand.

She’s so fussy at times. But there’s nothing wrong with your hand or

your eye . . . and that little pose of P’tero, leaning against

Ormonth, why it’s him!” lantine felt his spirits rise at the compliment

because the sketch of the blue rider was good – better than the false

ones he had done at Bitra Hold. He still cringed, remembering how he

had allowed himself to compromise his standards by contriving such

obsequious portrayals. He hoped he would never be in such a position

again. M’leng’s comment was balto his psyche.

I can do better But I like the pose. Can’t you just do it? I mean,

and M’leng looked everywhere but at lantine, I’d rather P’tero didn’t

know.. . I mean .

Is it to be a surprise for him?” No, it’s to be for me!” And M’leng

jabbed his bwastbone with his thumb, his manner defiant. So I’ll have

it At such intransigence, lantine was at a loss and hastily agreed

before M’leng became more emotional. His eyes had filled and he set his

mouth in a stubborn line.

I will, of course, but a sitting would help Oh, 1 can arrange that, so

he still doesn’t know. You’re always sketching,’ and that came out

almost as an accusation.

Ian tine was – thanks to the lecture he had been overhearing

considerably more aware now of the dangers dragons, and their riders,

would shortly face. If M’leng was comforted by having a portrait of his

friend, that was the least Ian tine could do.

This very night,’ M’leng continued, single-minded in his objective,

I’ll see we sit close to where you usually do. I’ll get him to wear

his good tunic so you can paint him at his very best.

But suppose – . . lantine began, wondering how he could keep P’tero

from knowing he was being done.

You do the portrait,’ M’leng said, patting lantine’s arm to still his

objections. I’ll take care of P’tero – – – and he added under his

breath, as long as I have him.” That little afterthought made the

breath stop in lantine’s throat. Was M’Leng so sure that P’tero would


I’ll do my best, M’leng, you may be sure of that!” Oh, I am,’ said

M’leng, tossing his head up so that the curls fell back from his face.

He gave lantine a wry smile. I’ve been watching how you work, you

see.” He extended a hand soft with the oils riders used to tend their

dragons. lantine took it and was astonished at the strength in the

green rider’s grip.

Waine said a good miniature – which is what I want,’ and he patted his

breast pocket to show the intended site of the painting, by an artist

is priced at four marks. Is that correct?” lantine nodded, unable to

speak for the lump in his throat.

Surely M’leng was dramatizing matters? Or was he? In the background,

lantine could hear T’dam advising his listeners on the types and

severity of injuries and the immediate aid to be given to each variety.

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