Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

that the mortality rate, due to heart failure or stroke, is high in

Thread injuries. Lao, who practised until the end of the First Pass,

notes that often patients who had received slight scores, successfully

treated, died from the pathological trauma of being scored. In

preparing our groups fcr this problem, do stress that Threadscore can be

successfully treated.

If we can move fast enough,’ a man said facetiously.

That’s why it’s important for a medic to accompany as many ground-crew

teams as possible. And why first-aid procedures must be taught to every

Hold and Hall within your practice. There are only so many of us, but

we can teach many what to do and cut down on fatalities.

And,’ Corey went on, we must emphasize that all nonessential personnel

is to STAY safely indoors until ground crews report the area safe.

Now, we will go on to dragon injuries since these, too. will occur and

those of us on the spot may need to assist the dragon and rider. They

will have the one advantage we can’t provide – the chance to go between

and freeze the attacking organism.

But the score will be just as painful.

The larger proportion of draconic injuries are to the wing surfaces . .

. if you please, Balzith,’ and she turned to the patient green dragon

and she obediently extended her wing as the medic conducted that section

of her lecture.

When they had adjourned for lunch, prior to discussing other problems –

such as hygiene and sanitation within small and medium holds where the

amenities were not as efficient as in the larger population cent res –

Corey was approached by Joanson of South Boll and Frenkal of Tillek

Hold, both senior medics.

Corey, what is your position on… mercy?” asked Joanson in a very

thoughtful tone.

She regarded the tall man for a long moment. What it has always been,

Joanson. We have, as you realize, quite a few persons in this audience

who have not received full medical training. I cannot ask them to do

what I would find very, very difficult to do: administer mercy.” She

gave Joanson a long stare, then glanced at Frenkal who seemed to enjoy

the ethical spot she was in.

We are sworn to preserve life. We are also sworn to maintain a decent

quality of life for those under our care.” She felt her lips twitch,

remembering that there were occasions when those two aims were in

conflict. We must, each of us, reflect on how we will face such a

desperate situation: whether to cut short a final agony is necessary,

even ethical. I don’t think there will be much time to consider morals,

ethics, kind or cruel, at the time we are forced to take action.” She

paused, took a deep breath. I do remember seeing the tapes the

Infirmary used to have, showing very graphically an animal being eaten

alive by Thread .. . She noticed Joanson’s wince. Yes, eaten alive

because Thread caught the hind end of it. I think, if it was someone

you knew, you’d opt for the quickest possible end to that.” Since they

were not the only two who approached her on that subject, she was almost

glad when the lunch break ended and she could address the less vex ious

matter of amputation.

Everyone needed a refresher on that procedure, especially an emergency

type of operation when there might not be time for all the preliminaries

that made for a neat stump. She did have the new bone cutters – well,

more axes than the traditional surgical tool – for distribution

afterwards. Kalvi had brought them with him.

Best edge we’ve ever been able to make on a surgical tool, Corey,’ he

told her with some pride. Had them tested at the abattoir.

Cut through flesh and bone like going through cheese. Gotta keep em

honed, though. And I’ve made eases for the blades so no-one slices off

a finger by mistake.

Surgeons were not the only ones with a ghoulish sen se of humour, Corey


Meanwhile, in the Great Hall of Fort Hold, with Lord Paulin seated in

the front row, Kalvi himself was demonstrating to those who would form

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