Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

Among other things, WHAT was he going to do about Bitra Hold? The last

teacher he’d sent there had left, voiding his contract with Chalkin –

not that Clisser blamed Issony when he’d heard the way the man had been

humiliated and threatened by unruly holder children – but children had

to receive rudimentary education, You couldn’t afford to let one whole

province lapse into illiteracy.

To be sure, children learn at different rates; he knew that, and

learning should be made as interesting as possible, to lay the

foundations for further study and for life itself, flr that matter.

That was the purpose of education: to develop the skills required to

solve problems. And to utilize the potential that existed in everyone –

even a Bitran, he added sourly.

Maybe he should reappoint Sallisha to that area? Then he chuckled. Not

much chance of that. She had enough Seniority to refuse point blank.

He made up his mind then, with the lovely phrases of Bethany’s song

soothing him, to bring up the problem of Chalkin, Lord Holder of Bitra,

in the next Condave. Something had to be done about the man.

During the final evening meal in which all three groups joined up on the

Fort court for a dinner featuring three whole roasted steers, Clisser

heard Chalkin’s name come up and homed in on the group discussing the


That’s not all,’ M’shall was saying, a deep frown on his usually

amiable face, he’s put up guards at the borders, and anyone who wants

to leave can take only their clothes with them. Nothing else, not even

the animals which they may have raised themselves.

Clisser had not realized that the Benden Weyrleader had arrived, but his

presence was certainly fortuitous.

You’re speaking of Chalkin?” he asked when the others cknowledged his

presence and made room for him in their circle.

M’shall gave a scornful laugh. Who else would turn folks out of their

holds right now?” I’ve just heard from one of my travelling teachers,

Issony, and he’s quit and nothing would persuade him to go back to

Bitra. But even they have to grow up literate.” Ha!’ M’shall’s

scoffing was echoed by the others.

School hours keep Bitrans from other jobs which earn their Holder more

marks. What did he do to Issony?” He’ll give you chapter and verse if

you ask him. In fact, it would do him good. I understand one of your

riders rescued him.” We do a lot of rescue work in Bitra,’ M’shall

said, not at all pleased by the necessity. But only non-Bitrans,’ he


Now, look,’ and Bridgely seemed about to explode, I will not succour

all his refugees. And I will not lift a hand to help him when his Hold

is overrun by Thread. Ah,’ and M’shall raised one finger in a sardonic

gesture, but you see, he doesn’t believe Thread’s coming.

Wouldn’t we feel silly if he was right after all?” said Farley, one of

the other minor Fort holders. Oops, wrong thing to say,’ he added when

coldly repressive stares rejected his witticism.

Chalkin has always been contrary by nature,’ Clisser said.

But never such an outright fool.” Well, he’s exceeded even “damned

fool”,’ Bridgely said. Is your teacher, Issony, here now?

Well, then, bring him up to Fort. We’re about to do something

definitive about Chalkin.” Right now?” Clisser couldn’t help looking

over at the roasting carcasses and sniffing at the succulent odours they

were producing.

I expect to eat, too,’ said Bridgely, relenting.

I just finished eating at Benden,’ M’shall said, but his nose was

twitching at the aromas. Ah, well, we could have a slice to allow you

to enjoy your meal.” Timed it just right, didn’t you?” Farley said with

a grin

for their obvious interest in the roasting meats. Can some thing be

done about an irresponsible Lord Holder?” Read your copy of the

Charter, Farley,’ Clisser advised.

And how long have border guards – – . and Paulin paused, made

indignant by such a measure been in place?” He’d assembled those

concerned in his office at the Hold when they’d finished eating.

Issony was on call if his testimony was required.

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