Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part one

sufficient cadet riders to supply the wings with phosphine rock during

the Pass. I have discussed all aspects of flight tactics and Weyr

maintenance with the respective Weyrleaders .

K’vin writhed a bit on his chair, remembering the exhaustive inspection

carried out by S’nan and Sarai: they’d even inspected the recycling

plant! Then he noticed that G’don, the oldest Weyrleader, was also

squirming. So, the Fort pair had spared no-one in their officious

search for perfection.

Well, they were heading into a Pass and the Fort Weyrleaders

were correct to want every aspect of dragon riding at the highest

possible standard and readiness. In the propagation of dragons, the

pair had found no fault with Telgar Weyr: it had had the largest

clutches of all the Weyrs in the last three years as the dragons

themselves answered the tide of preparations for the coming struggle.

K’vin was hoping that Charanth’s first clutch would be larger than any

that B’ner’s Miginth had sired; maybe then Zulaya would warm to him.

The two junior queens had done well in their latest clutches, producing

more of the useful greens and blues. Telgar Weyr would soon be full!

They might have to shift out some of the excess population to other

Weyrs, but that could wait until the yearly review.

And, in conclusion, let me state that we are as ready as we can be.”

Far more ready than the First Riders were,’ G’don remarked in his dry


Indeed,’ echoed Irene of Benden.

K’vin contented himself with a smile. Unbidden, a little wiggle of fear

shot up from his belly to chill him and he gave himself a shake. He

came from a Blood that had produced First Riders and contributed many

sons and daughters to the Weyrs.

And you ride me, Charanth said firmly. Ishall be formidable in the air.

Thread will fly in the other direction when it sees my flame.

And that was not all draconic boast, for Charanth had

Fracked up the Weyr Record for the length he achieved in flaming

practice. Together we meet Thread, not just you on your own. I shall

be with you and we shall overcome.

Thanks, Charrie.

You re welcome, Kev.

You’ve got that look in your eye, K’vin,’ Zulaya murmured for his ear

alone. What’s Charanth’s opinion of all this?” He’s raring to go,’

K’vin whispered back, and grinned.

Charanth was right to remind him that he did not fly alone: they were

together as they had been from the moment the bronze had broken his

shell in half and stepped directly towards a fourteenyearold Kevin of

the Hanrahans waiting on the hot sands of Hatching Ground. And Kevin

had realized that that was the moment all his life had been aimed at

Impression. He’d seen his older brother Impress, and his second oldest

sister, and three of the four cousins currently riders. From the moment

he was Searched out, part of him had been sure-sure-sure, with all the

fervour of an adolescent that he would Impress favourably.

The negative side of his’ personality had perversely suggested that he’d

be left standing on the hot sands and he’d never live down such a

humiliating experience.

In conclusion,’ S’nan said let me assure this Gathering that the Weyrs

are ready.” \Vith that, he sat down to an approving applause. I hope

that the Holds are too9′ Not his voice end on an up-note but he raised’

. only did his thick brows questioningly at the Fort Holder.

Paulin stood up again, shuffling until he found the right clipboard and

cleared his throat. I have readiness reports in from all but two major

Holds,’ and he glanced first at Franco, Lord Holder of Nerat, and then

tilted his head towards Chalkin. I know you received the forms to fill


The tall, thin bronze-skinned Neratian raised his hand. I told you the

problem we have with vegetation, Paulin and we’re still trying to keep

it under control . . . He grimace.

Not easy with the excellent weather we’ve been having and the

restriction against chemical deterrents. But I can assure you that

we’ll keep at it. Otherwise, we have emergency roofing for the seedling

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