Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part one

Chalkin shrugged. I don’t perceive a need to waste time and effort..

And money murmured the original heckler.

Precisely. Marks are hard enough to come by to waste them on the


OFF-CHANCE?” Tashvi erupted out of his chair. You’ll have a revolt on

your hands.

I doubt that,’ Chalkin said with a sly smile.

Because you haven’t bloody seen fit to warn your holders?” Tashvi


Lord Telgar,’ Paulin said repressively, I’m Chair.” He turned back to

Chalkin. If the rest of us, however misguidedly, do believe in the

fore warnings – backed by irrefutable astronomical evidence of an

imminent Pass – how can you deny them?” Chalkin’s grin was patronizing.

A space-borne organism?

That drops on a large planet and eats everything it touches?

Why wasn’t Pern totally destroyed during previous visitations?

Why is it every two hundred years? How come the Exploration Team which

did a survey of the planet before it was released to our ancestors to

colonize . . . how come they didn’t see any evidence? Ah, no,’

Chalkin said, flicking the notion away from him with his be ringed hands,

ridiculous!” My calculations were confirmed by – Clisser said, feeling

that he was being maligned.

There was evidence of Threadfall,’ Tashvi said, bouncing once more to

his feet. I’ve read the report. There were hundreds of circles where

vegetation was just starting to grow…

Inconclusive,’ Chalkin said with another flap of a hand.

Could have been caused by one of the many fungus growths.

Well then, when this inconclusive evidence comes dropping out of the

skies onto your Hold, don’t bother us,’ Bastom said.

Or come crying to my Hold for help, added Bridgely, completely

disgusted by Chalkin’s attitude.

You may be sure of that,’ Chalkin said and, with a mocking bow to

Paulin, he left the Hall with no further word.

What are we going to do about him?” Bridgely asked, because sure as

night follows day, he will come running for aid to Franco and me.

There is provision in the Charter,’ Paulin began.

Jamson of the High Reaches stared with wide and disbelieving eyes at


Only if he believes in the Charter . . . Bastom said.

Oh, Chalkin believes in the Charter all right,’ Paulin said

sardonically. The patent conferring the title of “Lord Holder” on the

original major northern Stakeholders is what gives his line the right to

Hold. And he’s already used the Charter to substantiate his autonomous

position. I wonder if he also knows the penalty for failing to prepare

his Hold. That constitutes a major breach of the trust .

Who trusts Chalkin?” Jamson put in.

the trust which holders rest in the Lord of their Hold in return for

their labour,’ finished Paulin.

Ha!” said Bridgely. I don’t think much of his holders either.

Useless lot on the whole. Most of em kicked out of other holds for

poor management or plain laziness.” Bitra’s badly managed, too.

Generally we have to return a full half of his tithings,’ M’shall said.

Half the grain is mouldy and timber unseasoned, hides improperly cured

and often rancid. It’s a struggle every quarter to receive decent

supplies from him.

Really?” Paulin asked, jotting down notes. I hadn’t realized he

shorted you on tithes.” M’Shall shrugged. Why should you know? It’s

our problem. We keep at him. We’ll have to keep at him over this, too,

you know. Can’t let him away with a total disregard for the upcoming

emergency. Not every holder in Bitra’s useless, Bridgely.” Bridgely

shrugged. Good apples in every basket as well as bad. But I’d really

hate to have to cope with the problem come springtime and Threadfalls.

Benden’s too near Bitra for my peace of mind.” So what is the penalty

for what Chalkin’s doing? Or, rather not doing?” Franco asked.

Impeachment,’ Paulin said flatly.

Impeachment!” Jamson was aghast. I didn’t know Article Fourteen,

Jamson,’ said Paulin, “Dereliction of Duty by Lord Holder”.

Can you give me a print-out on that, Clisser? Perhaps we all should

have our memory refreshed on that point.

Certainly,’ and the Head of the College made a note in his folder. In

your hands tomorrow.

So your system’s still working?” Tashvi asked.

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