Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part one

Bitra is back of beyond,’ Azury of Boll remarked, grinning.

A replacement is not the most immediate concern,’ Paulin said, taking

charge again, if we can persuade Chalkin that all of us can’t be wrong

about Threadfall.” Zulaya this time snorted at that unlikelihood. He’ll

admit he’s wrong only when Thread is eating him .

. . which might solve the problem in the most effective way. Bitra’s

in the path of the first Fall.

Remiss as Chalkin appears to be,’ Jamson said, Bitra Hold may be

better off with than without him. You don’t learn the management of a

Hold overnight, you know.

Paulin gave the High Reaches Lord a long look. That is very true, but

if he hasn’t even told his people that Thread is coming and he opened

up his hands to show dismay at such an omission. That’s a dereliction

of duty right there. His prime duty and the primary reason for having a

Leader during a crisis. As a group, we also have a responsibility to be

sure each of us is performing duties inherent to our rank and position.”

Zulaya shrugged. It’d serve him right to be caught out in the first


Yes, well,’ and Paulin rattled papers. I’ll accept reports of

malfeasance and irregularities in his conduct of Bitra Hold.

We’ll do this properly, gathering evidence and making a full report on

the problem. Now, let’s finish up today’s agenda.

Kalvi, you wish to broach the subject of new mines?” The lean hawk-nosed

engineer sprang to his feet. I sure do. We’ve got fifty years of Fall

and we’re going to need more ore: ore that’s closer to the surface than

the Telgar deposits.

Thought they would last us a millennium,’ Bridgely of Benden said.

Oh, there’s certainly more ore down the main shafts, but it’s not as

accessible as these mountain deposits which could be worked more

efficiently.” He unrolled an opaque plastic map of the Great Western

range where he had circled an area beyond Ruatha’s borders. Here!

High-grade ore, and almost waiting to leap into carts. We’ll need that

quality if we’re to replace flame-thrower equipment. And we’ll have to.

He said that with a degree of resignation. I’ve the personnel trained

and ready to move up there – which I’d like to do to get the mines going

before Threadfall starts. All I need is your OK.

You’re asking to start a hold up there? Or just a mine?” asked Paulin.

Kalvi scratched the side of his nose and grinned. Well, it’d be a long

way to travel after the shift is over, especially if the dragons are all

busy fighting Thread.” He unrolled another diagram. One reason I’ve

backed this site is that there’s a good cave system available for living

quarters as well as coal nearby for processing the ore. The finished

ingots could be shipped down river.

There were murmurs among the others as the project was discussed.

Good thing Chalkin left,’ Bridgely remarked. He’s got those mines in

Steng Valley he’s been trying to reactivate.

They’re unsafe,’ Kalvi said scornfully. I surveyed them myself, and

we’d have to spend too much time shoring up shafts and replacing

equipment. The ore’s second rate, too.

There isn’t time to restore the mine . . . much less argue with

Chalkin over a contract. You know how he can be, haggling over minor

details for weeks before he’ll make a decision.” He contorted his long

face into a grimace. If you,’ and he turned to the others at the

table, grant this permission, I’ll have a chance to noise it about the

Gather this evening and see who’d be interested in going along in

support capacity and necessary crafts.” I’ll second it,’ said Tashvi

magnanimously, raising his hand.

Good. Moved and seconded. Now, all in favour of the formation of a

mining hold?” Hands shot up and were dutifully counted by Paulin.

Chalkin’s going to say this was rigged,’ Bastom remarked caustically,

and that we drove him out of the meeting before the subject came up.

So?” Paulin said. No-one asked him to leave and he has a copy of the

agenda same as everyone else.” He brought his fist down on the table.

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