Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part one

Repository.” True. But we’ve paper . . . and she looked over at the

Telgar Holders, Tashvi and Salda.

Look, how can we estimate how much of forestry acres will survive

Threadfall?” Tashvi asked, raising his hands in doubt.

I’ve the timber jacks working non-stop, cutting, and the mill’s turning

out as much lumber and pulp as it can.” You know we’ll do our best to

protect the forests,’ K’vin said, though privately he wondered how good

their best could be since even one Thread burrow could devastate a wide

swath of timbered land in minutes.

Of course you will,’ Salda said warmly, and we will stockpile as much

paper as we can beforehand. Old rags are always welcome.” Then her

expression sobered. But I don’t think any of us can know what will or

will not survive. Tarvi Andiyar’s survey when he took Hold indicated

that most of the slopes were denuded. Ten years before Threadfall

ceased, he had seedlings in every corner of the Hold, ready to plant

out. We were just lucky that natural succession also occurred in the

three decades after the end of First Pass.” That is yet another item we

must record for future generations,’ Clisser said.

The ultimate how-to,’ put in Mari of High Reaches.

I beg pardon?” What to do when Threadfall has Passed is even more

important than what to do while it’s happening,’ she said, as if that

should be obvious.

We’ve got to first survive fifty years . . . Salda began.

Let’s get back to the subject,’ said Paulin, rising to his feet.

The Chair concurs that we ought to have some permanent, indestructable,

unambiguous, simple way to anticipate the rogue planet’s return. Has

anyone any ideas?” We can engrave metal plates and put them in every

Weyr, Hold and Hall where they’re too obvious to be ignored,’ Kalvi

suggested. And inscribe the sextant settings that indicate the Pass.”

So long as there’s a sextant, and someone to use it accurately,’ Lord

Bastom said, that’s fine. But what happens when the last of them is

broken?” They’re not that complicated to make,’ Kalvi replied.

What if there’s no-one trained in its use,’ Salda put in.

My fleet captains use sextants daily,’ Bastom said. The instruments

are invaluable on the sea.” Mathematics is a base course for all

students,’ Clisser added, not just fishermen.” You have to know the

method to get the answers you need,’ said Corey, the Head Medic,

speaking for the first time.

And know when to use it., Her profession was struggling to maintain a

high standard as more and more equipment became unusable, and unusual

procedures became erudite.

There has to be some way to pass on that vital information to future

generations,’ said Paulin, looking first at Clisser and then scanning

the faces at the table. Let’s have a hard think.

Etching on metal’s one way . . . and prominently placing tablets in

every Weyr and Hold so they can’t be stored away and forgotten.” A sort

of Rosetta Stone?” Clisser’s tone was more statement than query.

What’s that?” Bridgely asked. Clisser had a habit, which annoyed some

folk, of dropping odd references into conversations: references with

which only he was familiar. It would lead to long lectures from him if

anyone gave him the chance.

On Earth, in the late eighteenth century, a stone with three ancient

languages was discovered which gave the clue to translating those

languages. We shall, of course, keep our language pure We’re back to

etching again,’ said Corey, grinning.

If it’s the only way . . . Clisser began and then frowned.

No, there has to be some fail-safe method. I’ll investigate options.

All right then, Clisser, but don’t put the project aside,’ Paulin said.

I’d rather we had a hundred sirens, bells and whistles going off than

no warning at all.” Clisser grinned slowly. The bells and whistles are

easy enough. It’s the siren that will take time.

All right then,’ and Paulin looked around the table.

Toe-tapping dance music was all too audible and the younger holders and

weyrfolk were plainly restless. No more new business?” He didn’t wait

for an answer but used the gavel to end the meeting.

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