Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part one

That’s all for now. Enjoy yourselves, folks.” The speed with which the

Hall emptied suggested that that was what all intended to do.

Gather at Fort Cliss, what on earth possessed you?” Sheledon demanded,

glowering. He was head of the Arts faculty at the College and

constantly jealous of what free time he had in which to compose.

Well,’ and Clisser looked away from Sheledon’s direct and accusing

glare, we do have more records and are more familiar with the

techniques of accessing them than anyone else. Information and training

are what this College was established to provide.” Our main function,’

and Danja took up the complaint she wanted spare time in which to work

with her string quartet, is to teach youngsters who would rather ride

dragons or acquire many klicks of Pernese real estate to use the wits

they were born with. And to brainwash enough youngsters to go out and

teach whatever they know to our ever widely-spreading population.

Dance music swirled about them, but Sheledon and Danja IF F

were so incensed that they seemed oblivious to the rhythms that were

causing the other three at their table to keep time with foot or hand.

Danja shot Lozell a peevish look and he stopped rattling fingers

callused from harp strings.

I don’t think it’ll be that hard to find some way to indicate a

celestial return,’ he said in an attempt to appease the wrath of

Sheledon and Danja.

It isn’t the “hard” that bothers me,’ Danja said acidly, but when will

we have the time?” She stabbed her finger at the as-yet-unfinished

extension to the teaching facility.

Particularly since there is a time limit,’ and she shot another dirty

look at Clisser. Winter Solstice.” Oh,’ and Lozell grimaced.

Good point.” We’re all working every hour we can spare from classes on

what’s urgent right now,’ Danja went on, gesturing dramatically and

pacing up and down the length of their table.

While Sheledon closed in on himself when threatened, Danja exploded into

action. Now her nervous movements knocked the chair on which she had

placed her violin and she reacted, as quickly, to keep the valuable

instrument from falling to the cobbles. She gave Lozell a second nasty

look, as if he had been responsible.

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