Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part one

but Chrislee had spurned Bitra’s offer and that refusal had long rankled

in Chalkin’s mind.

The Bitran Holder mentally ran through possible excuses for leaving

right after dinner: one plausible enough to be accepted by the others.

This close to putative Threadfall, he had to be careful of alienating

the wrong people. If he left before the dinner… but then he wouldn’t

have a chance to sample this champagne-style wine, and he was determined


He’d taken the trouble to go to Hegmon’s Benden vineyard, with the clear

intention of buying cases of the vintage. But Hegmon had refused to see

him. Oh, his eldest son had been apologetic – something about a

critical time in the process requiring Hegmon’s presence in the caverns

– but the upshot was that Chalkin couldn’t even get his name put down on

the purchase list for the sparkling wine. Since Benden Weyr was likely

to get the lion’s share of it, Chalkin had to keep in good with the

Benden Weyrleaders so that, at the Hatching which was due to occur in

another few weeks, he’d be invited and could drink as much of their

allotment of wines as he could.

More than one way to skin a wherry!

He paused to twirl one of the bottles in its ice nest. Almost perfectly

chilled. Riders must have brought the ice in from the High Reaches for

Paulin. Whenever he needed some, he couldn’t find a rider willing to do

him, Bitra’s Lord Holder, such a simple service. Humph!

But of course, certain Bloodlines always got preferential treatment.

Rank didn’t mean as much as it should, that was certain!

He was surreptitiously inspecting the label of a bottle when there was a

sudden, startled intake of fearful breaths from the watchers, instantly

followed by a wild cheer. Looking up, he saw he had just missed some

sort of dangerous manoeuvre Ah, yes, they’d done another mid-air rescue.

He saw a bronze dragon veering from under a blue who was miming a

wounded wing: both riders now safely aboard the bronze’s neck. Quite

likely that Telgar Weyrleader who was such a dare-devil.

Cheers were now punctuated with applause and some banging of drums from

the bandsmen on their podium down on the wide courtyard that spread out

from the steps to the Hold down to the two right-angled annexes. Once

again, both the infirmary and the teachers’ college were being enlarged,

if the scaffolding was a reliable indication. Chalkin snorted, for the

buildings were being extended outward, wide open to any Thread which was

purportedly supposed to start falling again. They really ought to be

consistent! Of course, tunnelling into the cliff would take more time

than building outside. But too many folks preached one thing and

practised another.

Chalkin grunted to himself, wondering acidly if the architects had got

Weyrleader approval for the design. Thread! He snorted again and

wished that Paulin, chatting so cosily with the two Benden Holders as he

and his wife escorted them back to the head table, would hurry up.

He was dying to sample the bubbly white.

Rattling his fingers on the table, he awaited the return of his host and

the opening of the tempting bottles in the cooler.

K’vin, bronze Charanth’s rider, put his lips close to the ear of the

young blue rider sitting in front of him.

Next time wait for my signal!” he said.

P’tero only grinned, giving him a backward glance, his bright blue eyes


Knew you’d catch me, he bellowed back. Too many people watching to

let me swing and give Weyr secrets away!” Then P’tero waved

encouragingly at Ormonth, who was now flying anxiously at Charanth’s

wingtip. Though unseen from the ground, the safety-tethers still linked

the blue rider to his dragon. P’tero unbuckled his end of the straps

and they dangled free.

Lucky you that I was looking up just then!” K’vin said so harshly that

the brash lad flushed to his ear tips. Look at the fright you’ve given

Ormonth!” And he gestured towards the blue, his hide flushing in mottled

spots from his recent scare.

P’tero yelled something else which K’vin didn’t catch so he leaned

forward, putting his right ear nearer the blue rider’s mouth.

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