Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part one

good, Captain,’ said G’don, the High Reaches Weyrleader, as you’ve

never applied to us half as much as you’re entitled to.” Mari, his

Weyrwoman, nodded and smiled encouragingly at Cherry’s almost horrified


What?” Kizan teased his bride. The woman who sailed through a Force

Nine gale without complaint is nervous about flying on a dragon?” Cherry

tried to respond, but she couldn’t find words.

Don’t tease,’ Mari said. Riding a dragon is considerably different to

standing on your own deck, but I don’t know many people who refuse a

ride.” Oh, I’m not refusing,’ Cherry said hastily, startled.

Just like a child frarffil of being denied a promised treat, K’vin

thought and struggled to keep from grinning at her.

All of you, leave her alone,’ said the Telgar Lady Holder, scowling at

them. I remember my first ride adragonback.

Back that far, huh, said her husband, Lord Tashvi, eyeing her blandly.

And yet you can’t remember where you put that bale of extra blankets .

Don’t start on that again!” Salda began, scowling, but it was apparent

to the others at the table, even young Cherry, that the Telgar Holders

often indulged in such sparring.

Have you not opened your wine?” asked an eager voice and they looked

round at Vintner Hegmon, a stout, grey haired man of medium height with a

flushed face and a reddened nose which he jokingly called an

occupational hazard.

Do us the honour.” said Tashvi, gesturing to the chilled bottles.

Hegmon complied and, in his experienced hands, the plug erupted from the

bottle neck with speed and a plop’. The wine bubbled up but he deftly

put a glass under the lip before a drop could be spilled.

I think we’ve done it this time,’ he said, filling the glasses

presented to him.

I say, it does look exciting,’ said Salda, holding up her glass to

watch the bubbles make their ascent. Thea, the High Reaches Lady

Holder, did likewise and then sniffed at her glass. Oh, my word,’ she

exclaimed, putting a hand to her nose just in time to catch a sneeze.

The bubbles tickle.” Try the wine,’ Hegmon urged.

Hmmmm,’ Tashvi said and Kizan echoed the sentiment.

Dry, too,’ the Captain said. Go on, Cherry,’ he urged his wife.

It’s quite unlike Tillek brews. They tend to be foxy and harsh.

This’ll go down easily.

Ohhh,’ and Cherry’s response was one of sheer delight.

Oh, I like this!” Hegmon grinned at her ingenuousness and accepted the

approving nods from the others at the table.

I quite like it, too,’ Zulaya said after letting a sip slide down her

throat. Rather nice.” I say, Hegmon, wouldn’t mind a refill,’ and

Chalkin appeared at the table, extending his glass under the mouth of

the bottle the Vintner held.

Hegmon kept the bottle upright and regarded the Lord Holder coolly.

There’s more at your own table, Chalkin.

True, but I’d rather sample different bottles.

Hegmon stiffened and Salda intervened.

Leave off, Chalkin. As if Hegmon would offer an inferior bottle to

anyone,’ she said and waved him off.

Chalkin hesitated between a scowl and a smile but then, keeping his

expression bland, he bowed and backed away from the table with his empty

glass. He did not, however, return to his own table, but moved on to

the next one where wine was being poured.

I could…” Hegmon began.

Just don’t supply him, Hegmon.” He’s already insistent that I give him

vine starts so he can grow his own,’ said Hegmon, furious at such

importunity. Not that he’d do that any better than any of those other

projects he starts.” Ignore him,’ Zulaya suggested with a flick of her


M’shall and Irene do. He’s such a toady.” Unfortunately,’ said Tashvi

with a grimace, he’s managed to find like minds..

We’ll settle him at the meeflng, said K’vin.

I hope so,’ Tashvi said, though a man like that is not easily

convinced against his will. And he does have a following.

Not where it matters,’ Zulaya put in.

I hope so. Ah, and here’s food to soak up all this lovely stuff before

we’re too muddled to keep our wits about us this evening.

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