Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

I do.” How much could a dragon see with that kind of optical equipment?

Still, lantine supposed it would be useful when Thread was falling from

all directions. As the dragon eye protruded out from the head, it

obtained overhead images, too. Good design. But then, dragons had been

designed, though no-one nowadays knew who could have managed the genetic

engineering. It was one thing to breed animals for specific traits, but

to begin from the first cell to create a totally new creature? Do you

like this one of Debera oiling you?” He tapped his pencil on the one

he’d done that morning.

It looks like Debera. It looks like me? and there was plaintive

surprise in Morath’s contralto voice. That was when lantine realized

that Morath sounded very much like her rider.

But then, that was only logical since they were inseparable.

Inseparable! That’s what bothered him most. He knew that his love for

Debera would be constant, but any love left over from Morath for him

could scarcely match his commitment.

Did it have to? After all, he was totally committed to his work.

Could he fault her for being equally single-minded? There was, however,

a considerable difference between loving a dragon and loving to paint.

Or was there?

Maybe it was as well, Ian tine thought, tucking his pencil behind his

ear and closing his pad, that he was going to Benden after Turn’s End.

Maybe if Debera . . . and Morath were out of sight, they might also

go out of mind and his attachment would ease off.

You got your Turn’s End clothes ready? Need ironing, er, anything?”

Leopol asked, his expression wistful.

You did em yesterday, and I haven’t worn em yet,’ he said, but he

ruffled the boy’s thick hair again and, looping his arm over the thin

shoulders, steered him to the kitchen. Let’s eat.” Ah, there’s not

much to eat, Leopol said in disgust.

Everyone’s getting ready for tonight.

They’ve been getting ready all week,’ lantine said. But there’s bread

and cold meats set out.

Huh!” lantine noticed that Leopol had no trouble making himself several

sandwiches of what was available, and had two cups of soup and two

apples. He noted that he had no trouble eating, either, though some of

the smells emanating from the ovens – and all were in use were more

appetizing than lunch.

He intended to enjoy himself this evening.

Then Leopol, eyes wide with excitement, leaped from the table.

Look, look, the musicians are here!” Glancing outward, lantine saw them

dismounting from half a dozen dragons. They were laughing and shouting

as instruments were carefully handed down from dragon backs and carisaks

were passed around. Tisha sailed out, her assistants with her, and

shortly everyone was in the Lower Cavern and being served a lunch

considerably more complicated than soup and sandwiches. Leopol was in

the thick of it, too, the rascal, and the recipient of a huge wedge of

iced cake. lantine selected a good spot against the wall, sharpened his

pencil with his knife and opened his pad. This was a good scene to

preserve. If he got them down on paper now, maybe he could listen to

the music this evening without itchy fingers.

As he worked, he realized that Telgar had rated some of the best

musicians, called back from wherever their contracts had taken them, for

Turn’s End celebrations. He’d finish in time for the concert, and that

would be that for the day!

It wasn’t, of course. But then, he found it hard not to sketch exciting

moments and scenes. Especially as he didn’t want to leave this pad

anywhere that it could be casually opened.

And he could listen to the music just as well while drawing.

Sketching also kept his hands where they should be and not itching to go

round Debera’s shoulder, or hold her hand.

Sketching did allow him some licence, for he could always apologize that

he didn’t realize his leg was against hers’, or that their shoulders

were touching’ or that he was bending his body close to hers’. After

all, he was so busy sketching, he wouldn’t be noticing externals.

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