Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

to the storage areas of the Weyr. He whirled them in that direction

despite her resistance, speaking in a persuasively understanding tone.

You’re the rider of a young green and she’s much too young for any

sexual stimulation. But I don’t think a kiss will do her any damage,

and I’ve got to kiss you once before I have to go to Benden.” And he did

so. The moment their lips touched, although she tried to resist, the

attraction that they each had for the other made the contact electric.

She could not have resisted responding – even to preserve Morath’s


Finally, breathless, they separated, but not by more than enough

centime tres to let air into their lungs. Her body hung almost limply

against his, and only because he was leaning against the wall did he

have the strength to support them both.

That’s very nice, you know.

Morath!” Debera jerked her body upright, though her hands clenched

tightly on his neck and shoulder. ….. . dear, what have I done?”

Not as much to her as you have to me,’ lantine said in a shaky voice.

She doesn’t sound upset or anything.” Debera pushed away to stare up at

him – he thought she had never looked so lovely.

You heard Morath?” Hmmm, yes.

You mean, that wasn’t the first time?” She was even more startled.

Hmmm. She knows my name, too,’ he said, plunging in with a bit of

information that he knew might really distress her, but now was the time

to be candid.

Debera’s eyes widened even more and her face had paled in the glow light

of the corridor. She leaned weakly against him.

Oh, what do I do now?” He stroked her hair, relieved that she hadn’t

just stormed off, leaving all his hopes in crumbs.

I don’t think we upset Morath with that little kiss,’ he said softly.

Little kiss?” Her expression went blank. I’ve never been kissed like

that before in my life.” lantine laughed. Me neither. Even if you

didn’t want to kiss me back.” He hugged her, knowing that the critical

moment had passed. I have to say this, Debera, I love you.

I can’t get you out of my mind. Your face . . . and . . . and he

added tactfully because it was also true, Morath’s decorate the margin

of every sketch I draw. I’m going to miss you like – . like you’d

miss Morath.” She caught in her breath at even the mention of such a


lantine, what can I say to that? I’m a dragon rider You know that

Morath is always first with me,’ she said gently, touching his face.

He nodded. That’s as it should be,’ he said, although he heartily

wished he could be her sole and only concern.

I’m glad you do know that but I don’t know what I feel about you, Ian,

except that I did like your kiss.” Her eyes were tender and she glanced

shyly away from him. I’m even glad you did kiss me. I’ve sort of

wanted to know – – – she said with a ripple in her voice, but still


So I can kiss you again?” She put her hand on his chest. Not quite so

fast, lantine!

Not quite so fast. For my sake as well as Morath’s. Because and then

she blurted out the next sentence, I know I’m going to miss you .

. . almost. . . as much as I’d miss Morath.

I didn’t know a rider could be so involved with another human.

Not like this. And,’ she increased her pressure on the hand that held

them apart because he wanted so to kiss her for that, I can’t be

honestly sure if it’s not because Morath rather likes you, too, and is

influencing me.” I am not said Morath firmly, almost indignantly.

She says . . . Debera began as lantine said, I heard that.” They

both laughed and the sensual tension between them eased. He made quick

use of the opportunity to kiss her, lightly, to prove that he could and

that he did understand about Morath. He had also actually asked as many

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