Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

printing press required paper and the forests were going to be

vulnerable for the next fifty years no matter how assiduous the Weyrs

were in their protective umbrella.

One tangle of Thread could destroy acres of trees in the time it took to

get a ground crew to the affected area.

He sighed. If only the organics plastic machinery were still

operating… but the one unit housed in the Fort storage had rusted in

the same flooding that had ruined so much else.

“Ours not to wonder what were fair in life”,’ he quoted to himself,

which is a saying I should have made up to remind me that we’ve got

what we’ve got and have to make do.” He couldn’t help but feel somewhat

depressed, though.

There had been some high moments these last few days, and it was hard to

resume normal routine. Not everyone on the teaching staff was back,

though all should have checked in by late evening. He’d hear then how

the performances went elsewhere. He’d have to wait to learn how the new

curriculum was working. By springtime he’d know what fine tuning would

be needed. He could count on Sallisha for that, he was sure.

By springtime, Thread would fall and the easy pace they had all enjoyed

would be a memory.

Ah, that was what he had to do – he’d put it off long enough write up

the roster for ground crews drafted from students over fifteen and

teachers. He’d promised that to Lord Paulin and, what with everything

else, never produced it. He pulled a fresh sheet of paper from the

drawer, then stopped, put it back and picked up a sheet from the re-use

pile. A clean side was all he needed. Mustn’t waste, or he’d want soon


Lady Jane herself led lantine to his quarters, asking all the gracious

questions a hostess did: Where had he been for Turn’s End?

Had he enjoyed himself? Had he had the opportunity to hear the splendid

new music from the College?

What instrument did he play’? What did he hear from his parents?

He answered as well as he could, amazed at the difference between his

reception here and the one he’d had at Bitra. Lady Jane was a fluttery

sort of woman, not at all what he would have expected as the spouse of a

man like Bridgely. She must be extremely efficient under all that

flutter, he thought, contrasting the grace, order and appearance of the

public rooms with those at Bitra, and seeing a vast difference between

the two.

No low-level living for him here, either. Lady Jane led him on to the

family’s floor, urging the two drudges who were carrying the canvases

and sky broom wood panels to mind their steps and not damage their


She opened the door, presenting him with the key, and he was bemused as

he followed her into a large day room, at least ten times larger than

the cubicle at Bitra, on the outside of the Hold so that it had a wide,

tall window facing northeast. It was a gracious room, too, the stone

walls washed a delicate greeny-white, the furnishings well-polished

wood, with a pleasing geometric pattern in greens and beige on the


I do know that artists prefer a north light, but this is the best we

can do for you on that score Benden’s Lady fluttered her hands here

and there. They were graceful, small hands, with only the wide band of

a spousal ring on the appropriate finger. Another contrast to the

Bitran tendency to many gaudy jewels.

It’s far more than I expected, Lady Jane,’ he said as sincerely as he


And I’m sure it’s far more than you had at Bitra Hold,’ she said with a

contemputous sniff. Or so I’ve been told. You may be sure that Benden

Hold would never place an artist of your rank and ability with the

drudges. Bitrans may lay claim, and her tone expressed her doubt, to

having a proper Bloodline, but they have never shown much couth!” She

noticed him testing the sturdiness of the easel. That’s from stores.

It belonged to Lesnour. D’you know his work?” Lesnour?

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