Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

forests and vast tracks of almost impenetrable jungle except along the

western side, whereas Ista was sharp hills and deep valleys, also

densely vegetated.

But here a vast grassland, similar in some respects to the plains of

Keroon, spread out in all directions, dotted by up thrusts of bare yellow

rock, occasional copses of angular trees with fronds spilling from the

crests, and large, wide branched trees like islands. The dragons’

flight over some of these caused flocks of wherries and other avian

forms to debouch in frantic escape.

Can I eat them? Ormonth enquired of his rider, speeding up in case he

was allowed to give chase.

What? Those tough mouthffils? P’tero asked scornfully.

Then he cupped his hands and shouted at M’leng: Ormonth’s hungry enough

to eat wherries!” Sith wanted to, as well. We’d better feed them,’

M’leng yelled back. Over there!” and he pointed to one of the rock

piles. One of the spreading trees had grown right up against the pile,

shading the long incline to the top.

P’tero thought the formation looked like the prow of a ship, with

midships plunging into the sea of ground. And the tree a muchly

misplaced mast.

M’leng nodded vigorously in approval and pumped his arm, nudging Sith

into a wide curve so that they came up to the prow to land. A fine

breeze blew against them from the south, cooling the perspiration on

their bare torsos.

Immediately they landed, the two young men stripped off their heavy

flight pants and boots. They had to put their socks back on, for the

rock was far too hot for bare feet.

M’leng, who had good distance vision, covered his eyes with one hand,

peering to the west where a long dark line seemed to be moving.

Oh, good, herd beasts.” He hauled Sith’s head round and then pushed it

in the right direction. See? You can eat those.

Much better than wherries. Off you go, now!” And he gave Sith a thump

of dismissal.

Follow Sith, Ormonth,’ and P’tero shoved the blue’s head to the right.

Hunt with her and you can’t get into any trouble that way.

We’ll watch from here.” Ormonth shifted weight from one diagonal to the

other, his whirling eyes with a trace of anxious yellow.

What’s the matter with you?” P’tero demanded, wanting both dragons to

be away so that he and M’leng could have some real privacy.

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