Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

Lower Cavern, leaping towards lantine who put out a restraining hand so

the boy wouldn’t carom off the edge of the painting.

What have you done now?” Leopol demanded, taking care not to batter it.

It’s to be redone,’ lantine said, knowing the uselessness of avoiding

Leopol’s interest.

Oh, the Chalkin portrait?” Leopol reached for it and lantine pivoted,

putting his body between it and the lad’s acquisitive hands.

You’re clever, aren’t you?” Yup,’ and Leopol’s grin bore not a single

trace of remorse.

So? What happened when you deposed him?” lantine stopped in his tracks

and stared at him.

Deposed whom?” Leopol planted his fists on his belt, cocked his head

and gave lantine a long and disgusted look, finally shaking his head.

One, you rode away on a Fort Weyr dragon. Two, you’ve been gone

overnight so something was up. Especially when the Weyrleaders are

gone, too. Three, we all know that Chalkin’s for the chop, and four.

you come back with a portrait and it isn’t one you’ve done here.

Leopol spread his hands.

It’s obvious. The Lords and Leaders have got rid of Chalkin.

Impeached, deposed and exiled him. Right?” He grinned at the summation,

cocking his head over the other shoulder.

Right?” he repeated.

lantine sighed. It’s not my place to confirm or deny,’ he said

tactfully, and started again for his quarters.

Leopol dodged in front, halting him again. But I’m right about

Chalkin, aren’t I? He won’t get ready for Threadfall, he’s been far too

hard on his people and half the Lord Holders owe him huge sacks of marks

in gambling debts.” lantine stopped. Gambling debts?” He brushed past,

determined to get to the dubious safety of his room without giving

anything away to such a gossip as Leopol.

Ah, lantine.” Tisha caught sight of him and moved her bulk through the

tables with surprising speed and agility to intercept him.

Did they catch Chalkin all right? Did he struggle?

Did that spouse of his go with him, which frankly would surprise me? Did

they find Vergerin alive? Will he take Hold, or does he have to wait

til the Conclave at Turn’s End?” Leopol bent double with laughter at

lantine’s expression.

Yes, no, no, yes and I don’t know,’ he answered in reply to her

rapid-fire questions.

You see? I’m not the only one,’ Leopol said, hanging on to a chair

with one hand to keep his balance while he brushed laugh tears from his

eyes with the other, thoroughly delighted with himself and lantine’s


I’d like to hear all, lantine,’ Tisha said and deposited the klah mugs

and the plate of freshly baked cookies on the table nearest him.

Do sit. You’ve had a hard day already and it’s not noon yet.” I’ll

take it and put it very carefully in your room,’ Leopol said, grabbing

hold of the wrapped painting and then snatching it out of lantine’s

unconsciously relaxed grip. And I won’t look until you tell me I can.

No, wait, Leo,’ said Tisha. I want to see what Chalkin considered

“satisfactory”-‘ Do I have no privacy around here?” lantine demanded,

raising his hands in helplessness. Is there no way to keep secrets?”

Not in a well-run Weyr, there isn’t,’ said Tisha. Eat.


And, Leo, take the basket I made ready for K’vin up to his weyr.

I didn’t see Zulaya and Meranath, so she may have stopped over at Telgar

Hold.” His knees weakened, as did his resolve, and lantine collapsed

into the chair Tisha had invitingly pulled out for him.

Shall I?” Leopol asked in his best wheedling tone, one hand on the cord


I’m not sure I could stop you,’ lantine said, and caught the pad he had

stuffed inside the wrapping as Leopol made short work of opening.

lantine put the pad to one side. He didn’t really want to show the

latest drawings he’d done. The two castrati had died shortly after he

had finished the sketches. He intensely regretted how pleased he had

been with their sentences. Had they had any idea of what additional

torment Chalkin would inflict on them when they asked to be returned to

their Hold?

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