Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

Hold’s seamstress was not particularly adept, and constantly eating:

generally something that ran, smeared or left crumbs on their chins and

tunics. None of them bathed frequently enough and their hair was long,

greasy and roughly cut. Even the two girls showed no feminine interest

in their appearance. One had hacked her hair off with a knife . . .

except the long tress she wore down the back, strung with beads and

little bells. The other had thick braids which were rarely redone

unless whatever fastened the end had got lost.

lantine had struggled with the porcine Chaldon, had realized that the

child could not be depicted naturally’ and tried to retain enough

resemblance so that others would know which child had been painted.

But his portrait was unsatisfactory’. Only the youngest, a sturdy lad

of three who said nothing beyond No’ and carried a stuffed toy with him

from which he could not be parted, was deemed marginally satisfactory’.

Actually the dirty bear’ was the best part of Briskin’s portrait.

lantine had tried to romanticize Luccha’s unusual hairstyle and was told

that she’d look better with proper hair’ which he could certainly add

in if he was any good at all. And why did she have such an awkward

expression on her face, when Luccha had the sweetest smile and such a

lovely disposition?

(Especially when she was busy trying to unite the Hold’s cats by tying

their tails together, Iantine had added mentally. Bitra Hold did not

have a single unscathed animal, and the spit-boy said they’d lost seven

dogs to accidents’ that year already.) Luccha’s mouth was set aslant

in her face, the thin lips usually compressed in a sour line.

Lonada, the second daughter, had a pudding face, with small dark holes

for eyes, and her father’s nose: bad enough in a male, but fatal for a


lantine had also had to buy’ a lock from the Hold steward to prevent

his sleeping-furs from walking out of the narrow little cubicle in which

he was quartered. He knew his packs had been searched the first day;

probably several times by the variety of smeared fingerprints left on

the paint pots. As he had brought nothing of real value with him – not

having many possessions – he hadn’t worried.

Holds usually had one light-fingered person, and the Hold steward

usually knew who it was and retrieved what had gone astray from guests’


But when lantine found his paint pots left open to dry out, he

protested. And paid’ for a lock. Not that he felt all that secure,

for if there was one key to that lock, there could be duplicates. But

his furs did remain on his bed. And glad he was to have them, for the

thin blanket supplied was holey and ought to have been torn up for rug

lengths long since.

That was the least of his problems at Bitra Hold, however.

Having heard all that was wrong with the next set of miniatures he

managed to produce, a third larger than the first, Iantine began to have

a somewhat clearer grasp of just how the parents envisaged their

offspring. On his fifth set, he nearly won the accolade of

satisfactory’. Nearly Then the children, one after another, succumbed

to an infant disease that resulted in such a rash that they could not

possibly sit’.

Well, you’d better do something to earn your keep, Chalkin told his

contract portraitist when Lady Nadona had announced the children were


The contract says I will have room and board – – -, Chalkin held up a

thick forefinger, his smile not the least bit humorous. When you are

honouring that contract – But the children are sick Chalkin had

shrugged. That’s neither here nor there. You are unable to honour the

specific conditions of the contract.

Therefore you are not entitled to be fed and housed at the Hold’s

expense. Of course, I can always deduct your leisure time from the fee

. . . The smile deepened vindictively.

Leisure . . . lantine had been so enraged that the protest burst

from him before he could suppress it. No wonder, he thought, shaking

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