Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

with the control he had to enforce on himself, no-one else at Hall

Domaize would sign with Bitra.

Well,’ Chalkin went on, as if he were a reasonable man, what else does

one call it if you are not engaged in the lab ours which you are

contracted for?” lantine had to wonder if Chalkin knew how necessary it

was for him to earn the exact fee promised. Iantine had held no

conversations with anyone in the Hold; they were so sullen and

uncommunicative a group at their best – which was usually at mealtimes –

that he hoped he’d be spared them at their worst. He had steadfastly

refused to have a little game’ with cooks or guards, which accounted

for a good deal of the general animosity towards him. So how would

anyone know anything about his personal life or his reasons for working


So, instead of already being on his way home with a satisfactory

contract fulfilled and the marks for the transfer fee heavy in hi

pouch, lantine spent his leisure’ time touching up the faces of

Chalkin’s ancestors in the main Hall murals.

Good practice for you, I’m sure,’ Chalkin had said, all too amiably, as

he made his daily inspection of this project. You’ll be better

equipped to do satisfactory portraits of this generation.” Pig faces,

all of them, with the ancestral bulbous nose, lantine noticed.

Oddly enough, one or two of the ancestresses had been very pretty girls,

far too young and attractive for the mean-mouthed men they had been

contracted to. Too bad the male genes dominated.

Of course, lantine had had to make up batches of the special paints

required for mural work, having initially had no idea that such would be

required. He also found his supplies of the oil paints drastically

reduced by the repeated unsatisfactory’ portraits. He had the choice

of sending back to Hall Domaize for additional supplies and paying

transport charges, plus having to wait for them to reach him – or

finding the raw materials and manufacturing the colours himself – which

was the better option.

How much?” he exclaimed in shock when the head cook told him what he’d

have to pay for the eggs and oil he needed to mix into his pigments.

Yiss, an’ that doan include cost of hiring the equipment,’ the cook

added, sniffing. The man had a perpetually running nose, sometimes

dripping down his upper lip. But not, Iantine devoutly hoped, into

whatever he was in the process of preparing.

I have to hire bowls and jars from you?” Iantine wondered how the cook

could have become infected with Chalkin’s greed.

Well, if I ain’t using em, and you is, you should pay for the use,

seems like.” He sniffed so deeply Iantine wondered there could be any

mucus left in his sinus cavities. Shoulda brought yer stuff with ye if

ye’d need it. Lord Holder sees you usin’ things from his kitchen and

one of us’ll be paying for it. Won’t be me!” And he sniffed again,

shrugging one dirty white shoulder as emphasis.

I came with adequate supplies and equipment for the work I was hired to

do,’ Iantine said, curbing an intense desire to shove the man’s face in

the thin soup he was stirring.

So?” lantine had walked, stiff-legged with fury, out of the kitchen.

He tried to tell himself that he was learning, the very hardest way, how

to deal with the client.

Finding the raw materials for his pigments had proved nearly as

difficult since it was, after all, coming on to deep winter here in the

Bitran hills. He discovered a hefty hunk of stone with a rounded end

that would do as a pestle, and then a hollowed-out rock that would act

as a mortar. He had found a whole hillside of the sabsab bush whose

roots produced a yellow colour; enough raw cobalt to get blue, and the

paw berry leaves that boiled up one of the finest pure reds with neither

tint nor tinge of orange or purple. With the greatest of luck he also

came across ochre mud. Rather than rent’ containers, he used chipped

crockery he unearthed from the midden heap. He did have to pay the

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