Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

but he had been lucky there, too, so they were coated with salve for

good measure and then wrapped in warm to welling while warmed blankets

were snugged about his body. Salve was applied to his hands and face

and then he was allowed to finish the hot food.

Now, your name, and whom shall we contact to say that you’ve been

found?” Tisha asked when all this had been done.

I’m Iantine,’ and then he added in wry pride, portraitist from Hall

Domaize. I was contracted to do miniatures of Chalkin’s children Your

first mistake,’ said Tisha, chuckling.

lantine flushed. You’re so right, but I needed the fee.

Did you come away with any of it?” P’tero asked, his eyes gleaming with


Oh, that I did,’ the artist replied so fiercely that everyone grinned.

Then he sighed. But I did have to part with an eighth at the

woodsman’s hold. He had little enough to share, but was willing to do


At a profit, I’m sure lantine considered that for a moment. I was

lucky to find any place to wait out the storm. And he did share He

shrugged briefly, and a dejected look crossed his features as he sighed.

Anyway, it was he who suggested I make a sign in the snow to attract

any dragon rider I’m just lucky one saw me.” He nodded thanks to


No problem,’ the blue dragon rider said airily. Glad I came.” He

leaned towards Tisha across the table. He’d’ve been frozen solid in

another day!” Were you long waiting?”

Two days after the storm ended, but I spent the nights with ol’

Fendler. If you’re hungry enough, even tunnel snake tastes good,’

lantine added.

Ah, the poor laddie,’ said Tisha and called out orders for a double

portion of stew to be brought immediately, and bread and sweetening and

some of the fruit that had been sent up from Ista.

By the time lantine had finished the meal, he felt he had made up for

the last four days. His feet and hands were tingling despite the

numb weed and salve. When he stood to go and relieve himself, he wobbled

badly and clutched at the chair for support.

Have a care, lad, filling the stomach was only half your problem,’

Tisha said, moving to support him with far more alacrity than her bulk

would suggest. She gestured for P’tero to lend a hand.

I need to . . . lantine began.

Ach, it’s on the way to the sleeping cavern,’ Tisha told him and drew

one of his arms over her shoulder. She was as tall as he.

P’tero took up the packs again and between them, they got him to the

toilet room. And then into a bed in an empty cubicle. Tisha checked

his feet again, applied another coat of numb weed and tiptoed out.

Iantine only made sure that his packs – and the precious fee were in the

room with him before he fell deeply asleep.

While he slept, messages went out – to Hall Domaize and to Benden Weyr

and Hold, since lantine nominally looked to Benden. Although lantine

had taken no lasting harm, M’shall recognized yet another instance of

Chalkin taking unfair advantage. Irene had already sent in a

substantial list of abuses and irregularities in Chalkin’s dealings

generally with folk who had no recourse against his dictates. He held

no court in which difficulties could be aired, and had no impartial

arbiters to make decisions.

The big traders, who could be counted on for impartial comment, bypassed

Bitra and could cite many examples of unfair dealings since Chalkin had

assumed the Holding fifteen years before. The few small traders who

ventured in Bitra rarely returned.

Following that Oather and its decision to consider deposing Chalkin,

M’shall had his sweep riders check in every minor bold to learn if

Chalkin had duly informed his people of the imminence of Thread. None

had, although Lord Chalkin had increased his tithe on every household.

The manner in which he was conducting this extra tithe suggested that he

was amassing supplies for his own good, not that of the Hold.

Those in more isolated situations would certainly have a hard time

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