Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

certain courtesies which most Holds, Halls and Weyrs accord a student of

a craft, and certainly to an artist!” So, when Lord Chalkin finally

accepted his portrait, I made tracks away as fast as I could!” K’vin

clapped him on the shoulder, grinning at the fervour with which that

statement came out.

Not that my conditions improved that much,’ lantine added quickly and

then grinned, until P’tero rescued me.” His throat kept clogging up and

he had to clear it again. I want to thank you very much for that. I

hope I didn’t keep him from proper duties.

No, no,’ K’vin said. Mind you, I’m not all that sure why he was over

Bitra, but it’s as well he was.

How are your hands’?” Zulaya asked, looking down at him as he washed’

his itching fingers together.

I shouldn’t rub the skin, should I?” Zulaya spoke over her shoulder.

Leopol, get the numb weed for lantine, please.” The young artist hadn’t

noticed the boy’s discreet presence, but he was glad he didn’t have to

walk all the way to the cubicle to get the salve.

It’s just the after-effects of cold,’ he said, looking at his fingers,

and noticing what Tisha had – pigment under the nails. He curled his

fingers, ashamed to be at a Weyr table with dirty hands.

And a deep shiver went down his spine.

I was wondering, lantine,’ Zulaya began, if you’d feel up to doing

another portrait or two? The Weyr pays the usual rates, and no extras

charged against you.

lantine protested. I’d gladly do your portrait, Weyrwoman.

It is of yourself you were speaking, isn’t it?” That first shiver was

followed by another which he did his best to mask.

You’ll do it only if you are paid a proper fee, young man,’ Zulaya said


But No buts,’ K’vin put in. What with preparations for a Pass,

neither Zulaya nor I have had the time to commission proper portraits.

However, since you’re here . . . and willing?” I’m willing, all

right, but you don’t know my work and I’m only just accredited Zulaya

caught his hands in hers, for he’d been wildly gesticulating in both

eagerness and an attempt to disguise another spasm.

Artist lantine, if you managed to do four miniatures and two formal

portraits, and refresh murals for Chalkin, you’re more than qualified.

Didn’t you know that it took Macartor five months to finish Chalkin’s

wedding-day scene?” And he had to borrow marks from an engineer to pay

off the last of his “debt”?” K’vin added. Here’s Waine to greet you.

But you’re not to start work again until you’re completely recovered

from the cold.” Oh, I’m recovered, I’m wcovered, lantine said, standing

up as the Weyrleaders did, determined to control the next set of


After they had introduced him to the little man, Waine, they left him,

circulating to other tables as the Weyr relaxed.

There was singing and guitar playing from one side of the room, cheerful

noises, above a general level of easy conversation. That was something

else which lantine only now realized had been totally absent at Bitra

Hold: music, talk, people relaxing after a day’s work.

Heard you ran afoul a’ Chalkin?” Waine said, grinning and ducking his

head. Then he brought from behind his back a sheaf of large-sized paper

sheets, neatly tied together, and a handful of pencils. Thought you

might need em, like,’ he said shyly. Heard tell you used up all at


Thank you,’ lantine replied, running his fingers appreciatively over

the fine sheets and noticing that the pencils were of different weights

of carbon. How much do I owe you?” Waine laughed, showing gaps in his

teeth. You been at Bitra too long, Artist man. I’ve colours, too, but

not many.

Don’t do more’n basics.” Then let me make you a range of paints,’

lantine said gratefully, gritting his teeth against yet another

onslaught of ague. You know where to find the raw stuff around here,

and I’ll show you how I make the tints.” Waine grinned toothlessly

again. That’s a right good trade.

He held out a hand and nearly crushed lantine’s fingers with his

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