Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part two

Too bad we hadn’t the selections ready for the other two Impressions,’

Sheledon said, for he invariably saw disadvantages everywhere. Are

there any more upcoming?” Well, there’re Year’s End celebrations Beth

any replied.

We tend to stay here for them, said Sheledon, not wanting to miss the

feasts that Chrislee generally provided for those holidays. The senior

teachers at the College invariably were included on the Fort guest list

and never missed such opportunities, even if they had the option of

returning to their native hearths for the three-day celebration.

Maybe this once,’ Sydra began, looking at Sheledon, we should go home

and spread the word.

Bethany frowned. The full chorus and accompaniment is what makes the

songs so effective – – -.

Sheledon frowned. We can certainly organize substantial groups for the

main Holds. The dragon riders always come as guests anyway, so they’d

all get a chance to hear . . . Then he smiled down at his wife,

settling an affectionate arm across her shoulders. You sure did the

boy soprano bit well. But I think we’d best get the juvenile voice for

Year’s End. You’re hoarse today.” Halllooo down there, and they all

looked up to see Clisser, bending far out from an upper window and

waving at them.

Did the Ballads work?” he yelled, hands to his mouth.

The musicians looked at each other, Sheledon counted the beat and they

roared back. THEY LOVED US!” Clisser made a broad OK gesture with both

hands and then waved them to go to his office in the original section of

the facility.

They reached it first, still elated with the success of their

performance, an elation which began to disperse when they saw Clisser’s


What’s the matter?” asked Bethany, half rising from her chair.

The computers went down and Jemmy thinks they’re totally banjaxed now,,

Clisser said glumly, flopping into the chair at his desk, his body slack

in despair.

What happened? They were working perfectly,’ Sheledon said, scowling.

What was Jemmy .

Clisser held up one hand. Not Jemmy One of those students hacking

around Sheledon’s expression suggested dire punishments.

Clisser shook his head. Lightning Lightning? But we had no storm

warnings Fried all the solar panels, tOO, although at least we can

replace those. Corey lost her system, what was left of it, including

the diagnostics she’s been trying so desperately to transcribe.

Made speechless by such a catastrophe, Sheledon sat down heavily on the

corner of the desk while Sydra leaned disconsolately against the wall.

How much is gone?” Bethany asked, trying to absorb the disaster.

All of it,’ and Clisser flicked his fingers before he clasped them

together across his chest, chin down.

But . . . but, surely, it’s only a matter – – Sheledon began.

The motherboards are charcoal and glue,’ Clisser said dully.

Jemmy’s gone through every box of chips we had left, and there aren’t

enough to rebuild even a few meg – and that wouldn’t operate the system.

Even part of the system. It’s gone,’ and he waved his hand helplessly


There was silence for long moments as those in the room struggled to

cope with such a massive loss.

How much did the students . . . Bethany began, cutting her sentence

off as Clisser waved, almost irritably, to silence her.

Surely they saved something Something, but nowhere near what we need,

what was waiting to be copied, a mere fraction of what we need to know..

Look, Clisser,’ Bethany said gently, what have we really lost?” He

jerked his head up, glaring at her. What have we really lost?

Why, everything!” Sheledon and Sydra were regarding Bethany as if she

had run mad.

The history we are already seeing as irrelevant to our lives now?” she

asked softly. Descriptions of archaic devices and procedures which

have no relevance on Pern since we no longer operate an advanced

technological society’? Isn’t that what you were doing anyway, Clisser?

Changing the direction of teaching in line to what is needed in this

time, on this planet, and disregarding 1 don’t know how many gigabytes

of stored information that is irrelevant! Now that we don’t have to

worry about all that,’ and her hand airily dismissed the loss, we can

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