Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part two

A whole new way of looking at the education and training of the young,

and entirely suitable to the planet and its needs. He must really sit

down and think it all through. . . when he found the time.

His laugh mocked his grandiose ideas and yet, they’d had to revise and

reform so many old concepts here on Pern: why not the method in which

education was administered? Was that the word he wanted: administered?

Like a medicine? He sighed He did wish that learning was not considered

an unavoidable dose. Certainly someone like Jemmy proved that learning

was enjoyable. But then, insatiable appetites like his for knowledge,

for its own sake, were rare.

Clisser trotted up the last of that flight of steps in considerably

better humour. He’d find the time, by all that’s still holy, he would.

Late Autumn at Telgar Weyr Zulaya beamed at Paulin. Yes, she rather

outdid herself, didn’t she?” She turned to regard her queen fondly as

the golden dragon hovered proprietorially over the fifty-one eggs which

would, by all the signs, hatch some time this day.

All morning dragons had conveyed in guests and candidates.

Aren’t the Weyrs over-producing a trifle?” Paulin asked.

Benden and Ista Weyrs had also had Hatchings in the past month.

He had lost two very promising holder lads to the Weyrs; a felt loss, as

the boys could no longer journey easily between Hold and Weyr as riders

were freer to travel, and to learn and practise other professions during

an Interval.

Frequent clutches are one of the sure-fire signs that there will be a

Pass,’ Zulaya said, obviously looking forward to the days when the

dragons of Pern started the work for which they were engineered. Have

you heard that song the College sent out?” Hmmm, yes, I have,’ and

Paulin grinned. In fact, I can’t get it out of my mind.

Clisser says they have several more to play for us tonight.” Just

music?” Paulin asked, scowling. It’s a device we asked them for

something permanent so that no-one can deny the imminence of a Pass.”

Zulaya patted his hand encouragingly. You can ask what progress he’s

made on that project.” K’vin, coming up behind them, casually laid a

hand on his Weyrwoman’s shoulder, acting as proprietorially of her as

her dragon was of her clutch. Amused, Paulin coughed into his hand and

hurriedly excused himself.

He’s worried about that fail-safe,’ Zulaya said, also amused by K’vin’s

show of jealousy but not about to remark on it.

You’re looking very beautiful in that new dress,’ he said, eyeing it.

Am I? Why, thank you, Kev,’ she said, twisting her hips to make the

skirt whirl. Which reminds me . . . and she held out a fold of the

rich crimson patterned brocade which she had had made for this Hatching.

Fredig suggested tapestries, hanging in every Weyr and Hold, depicting

the return of the Red Star – with the formulae in the borders. Make an

interesting design, certainly.” Colours fade and fabrics certainly

deteriorate We’ve some that graced houses in Landing. That Earth Moon

scene Which was made, as I’ve been told, out of synthetic yarns which

are more durable than what we have now cotton, linen and wool. And even

they are looking worn and losing colour.

I’ll have them washed You’ll have them thread-worn . – ooops,’ and

K’vin grinned at the pun.

… Which is not what is wanted but there’s no reason, Kev, not to have

a hundred different reminders – . – Something set in stone the

Weyrleader said in a more sober tone.

Even stones move – – Only prior to a Pass. Only how to perpetuate the

critical information?” I think everyone’s worrying too much. I mean,

here we are,’ and Zulaya gestured broadly to include the Hatching Ground

and the Weyr around them. Why else have dragons?

And Weyrs set apart to preserve them, if not for a very, very good

reason? They’re the planet’s only sure defence.” A sound – subliminal

more than a real noise – alerted them.

It issued from Meranath who reared to her hindquarters, spreading her

broad wings; her eyes glowing brightly green and beginning to whirl with

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