Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part two

Only five girls stood on the Hatching Ground vying to attract the

attention of the greens. There should have been six, but one girl’s

family had refused to give her up on Search since they claimed a union

had been arranged and they could not go back on that pledge. As K’vin

thought that a good third or even half of this clutch might be greens,

he hoped there’d be enough suitable lads’ to impress the green

hatchlings. His study of Thread fighting tactics also indicated that

greens with male riders tended to be more volatile, apt to ignore their

Weyrleaders’ orders in the excitement of a Fall: in short, they tended

to unnecessarily show off their bravery to the rest of the Weyr. On the

other hand, the green dragons were valuable to a Weyr for their speed

and agility even if they didn’t have the stamina of the larger dragons.

A careful wing leader alternated his green riders, resting each at least

an hour during a Fall.

There had been a monograph on the advantages of female over male green

riders in Threadfall. Although the text allowed the reader to make his

own decision, K’vin had fallen on the side of preferring females when

Search provided them.

Certainly their personalities were more stable and they posed fewer

problems to the Weyrleaders. Young male green riders could go into

emotional declines if they lost their weyrmates and be useless in Fall,

sometimes even suiciding in their distress. On the other hand, since

the greens were sexually very active, there was more danger of female

riders becoming pregnant, unless they were extremely careful.

Even spontaneous abortions due to the extreme cold of between required

sensible convalescence.

Taking a short dragon-ride’ was now a euphemism for ending an unwanted

pregnancy. Another good reason to have a few female green riders in the

Weyr: less embarrassment.

According to Zulaya, though, there had been few such terminations since

she had become Weyrwoman. Probably due to the fact that too many holds

had lost relatives to the last bad winter fever. Or possibly because

everyone wanted to have enough children to extend their legitimate

holdings or establish new ones.

The draconic humming – what Clisser called a pre-birth lullaby was

reaching an almost unendurable level, climaxing when the first egg

cracked open. The spectators were exhibiting the usual excitability,

jumping about, weeping, singing along with the dragons. They’d calm

down, too, once the Hatching had begun.

And it did. Three shells burst outwards simultaneously, fragments

raining down on nearby eggs and causing them to crack as well. K’vin

counted nine dragons, six of them wetly green, and revised his third’

of greens closer to half.

The hatchlings were so dangerous at this stage, ravenous from their

encapsulation, and some of the nearer candidates hastily avoided the

bumbling progress of the new-born. Two greens seemed headed for

Weyrbred girls but the blonde from Ista, already noted in the Weyr for

her quick wits, stepped beside one and Impression was made for both.

Three of the other greens made for lads who had demonstrated homosexual

preferences in their holds. The remaining green, after lunging out of

her shell, stood, weaving her head back and forth, crying piteously.

T’dam called out to the remaining girls to converge on her.

The brunette girl from Ista made for her and instantly the little green

covered the intervening distance, squeaking with relief.

K’vin swallowed against the emotional lump in his throat: that instant

of recognition always brought back the moment when he had experienced

the shock of Impression with Charanth. And the glory of that incredibly

loving mind linking with his: the knowledge that they were indissolubly

one, heart, mind and soul.

We are, are we not? Charanth said, his tone rough with the memory of

that rapture. Despite the fact that Charanth, like the rest of the

Weyr’s dragons, was perched up along the ceiling, K’vin could hear’ the

dragon’s sigh.

Zulaya grinned up at K’vin, aware of what was taking place within him,

tears flowing down her face as the high emotional level of the Hatching

affected her.

Absently K’vin thought that the glowing bulk of Meranath behind Zulaya

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